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Glancing through the various websites, I try to get any semblance of an idea for what I want for our wedding. Beyond saying, 'I do,' everything else seems arbitrary. Tyler and Dylan's wedding was the catalyst for the beginning of planning my own. Seeing as it's already November thirteenth, that only gives Christian and me about three months to plan before I'm back in season. God, why couldn't one of us have a normal fucking career? Planning a wedding on its own is stressful enough. Adding a time crunch doesn't alleviate any of that stress. 

Letting out a breath, I take my laptop and head into the living room to join Christian and see if he's got any input. The whole idea of needing to get a lot of this done in the next three months stresses me out more than I'd like it to right now. Clicking through the different colors, the ones that catch my eye are the jewel tones. It's definitely a place to start. 

"Hey," I say to Christian, as I sit on the couch next to him as the Monday night football game blares from the TV. The colors still popped up on my screen. "We've gotta start planning our wedding if we want to make it work by next off-season." 

"We literally just got done with a wedding," Christian points out, seemingly annoyed by my suggestion. 

"Okay, and?" I ask, "We can't really push it off. We only get about three months where both of us are off." 

"I'm aware," Christian replies, clearly not interested in this conversation right now. Where'd he get the stick that's up his ass?

"Okay, so we should try and start figuring out what we're doing," I start as he rolls his eyes. "Seriously?" 

"What?" He asks, looking at me for split second before back at the TV, "We've got time. There's no need to already act like a bridezilla." 

"Seriously?" I ask in more disbelief than anything that he's this snippy right now, "WE don't have time. WE have three months to figure most of this shit out, especially depending on if we want to get married here or back in California. Venues aren't exactly easy to get, especially in California. Sorry for giving a fuck about our wedding," I continue, slamming my laptop shut as I get up, "Something you gave me not one but two rings for, just in case you needed a reminder." Christian sighs, I swear, rolling his eyes as he does before shaking his head with seemingly nothing to say as I leave the room. 

Fucking asshole, I fume to myself as I all but slam the door to my bedroom behind me. It's been a while since I've been in here for more than the closet and bathroom. If he didn't wanna plan shit today, we didn't have to plan shit today. Just fucking say that rather than being a pissy asshole about it. 

Re-opening my laptop, I start going through the pictures again, saving a few here and there as they catch my eye. When Christian is don being a dick, I'll show him what I've got to see what he thinks. Honestly, I'm a little surprised that there hasn't been an apology yet. Usually, he's pretty quick with those. 

Scoffing at the thought, I try not to let it get to me as I click to the next pages seeing a lot of dresses meant as inspiration. I'm in a position where I could very easily get a custom dress from a designer. That's not a bad idea actually. It wouldn't be anyways if the whole idea of planning wasn't completely soured due to someone's attitude. We don't even have colors to go off of. 

Groaning, I shut my laptop and practically toss it onto the floor. I can buy a fucking new one if I need to. Pulling the scrunchie out of my hair, I slip into a pair of shorts before crawling into bed and covering myself with my duvet. Scrolling through my for you page, I hope for sleep to find me not wanting anything more to do with today. 

The fingers trailing up and down my arm gently wake me up as I'm met with Christians' dark chestnut eyes. "Look who finally woke up," He comments, making me roll my eyes while I can't help but wonder why he's in my bed right now. 

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