Wasn't Me.

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"Hey, it's Jailyn. I was wondering if you were available to hit the gym today?" I text Cathy. It's been just over three months since our season ended, and I'm ready to get back into the gym, so I'm as ready as I can be for our season to start. There are about five months before we really get there, but I'm looking to be even better than I have been. Cathy seemed pretty keen on me getting a captain title at the tail end of last season. If that happens, I don't want anyone having any questions of me deserving it. Either way, I should get a workout in.

Heading into my room, I grab a pair of white and blue Adidas shorts and an old 2016 Team USA tank top. Changing into them, I start to look through the clutter on the top of my dresser for a hair tie. As much as I love my braids, I really don't feel like putting that effort in today. My phone buzzes from where it rests.

"Cathy: I can meet you at about 4:30 in the mez if that works for you. There are a few things I wanted to talk to you about anyway, so this works out well! I'll even buy you dinner after too."

Chuckling, I nod, "Alright sounds good! I'll see you there. I'm going to get some work in in the weight room until then." Cathy likes my message, and I toss my phone into the bag that I pulled out earlier. Even just pulling my bat bag out has me excited right now, and we're not even doing anything for months yet. It's crazy to think that I've probably only got three years left playing this sport.

Grabbing a pair of socks and slipping them on, I glance at my sneakers and decide on just a plain white pair before slipping them on. I should be able to get some good reps in today. I think it's a game day for the football team, so I shouldn't have to worry about them hogging everything. Getting up, I grab my bag and head out, making sure I grab my water bottle on the way.

My phone chimes as I get some reps in on the leverage squat machine. Finishing my set, I get the weight relocked before heading over to check my phone, "Cathy: I'm here whenever you're ready!"

"Let me re-rack everything, and I'll be up!" I text back before tossing my phone back in my bag.

As I start pulling the weights off the machine, one of the guys from my math class last semester approaches me. "Alright, you can't convince me it wasn't you in that Yeli video." Scoffing, I roll my eyes as I continue re-racking my set.

"That's on you then," I tell him with a shrug. "I'm a social media marketing major. Do you really think I'd be denying the hell out of it if it was me? Let alone have my accounts private now."

"That's why I think it is you," he comments, "Because you're trying so hard to say it's not you."

"Or, I'm not interested in getting literal death threats from random people on the internet," I comment back. "That and I'm not twenty-one yet. People assuming that girl is me is going to get me a multi-game suspension."

"Don't worry, I'll keep your dirty little secret," alright reel it in All American Rejects, "I'm not gonna blackmail you, but can you get me an autograph?"

Scoffing, I shake my head, "Dude, I gotta get one first."

"Do you really not know him?" he asks.

"No," I say, shaking my head, "But I promise as soon as I do, getting you that autograph is my first priority." He laughs and nods.

"I'm gonna hold you to that one," He teases.

"I'll keep that in mind," I reply, racking the last of my weights, "As fun as this banter has been, Cathy is waiting on me in the mez."

"Alright, I'll see you around," He tells me. I give him a small smile and a wave as I'm grabbing my bag while he heads out. Well, I guess I can't be surprised people are going to continue assuming it was me. Because it was even with as much as I try and deny it.

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