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Looking up as I'm directed by my make-up artist for the day, I try to keep all the emotions I'm feeling at bay. Christian and I have waited four and a half years for this day, and it's finally here. Nothing quite like that to get your nerves going. All the highs of my career, all the world championship games, none of them really compare to the feelings and nerves that today brings. There's no uncertainty with today. There's no question on what the outcome will be, but somehow, everything sense just feels that much more heightened. 

When I'm able, I glance around the bridal suite seeing my party all transfixed in their own conversations with one another, all seeming as though this is just another day. To be fair, to them, it kind of is. My make-up artist and hairstylist continue to work around me while my mind races through the itinerary for today, counting down the minutes, if not seconds it is until I finally get to see Christian from the end of that sixty-foot aisle. Somehow, even though we saw each other yesterday for the rehearsal dinner, it feels like it's been an eternity. Even after all the months we've spent on opposite sides of the world, keeping up the tradition of not seeing each other somehow feels like we've been universes apart. 

"Alright, Jai," My make-up artist, Autumn, says, smiling as she seems to admire her work, "I think I'm finished." 

"Hold on," My hairdresser, Kianna, comments, "I'm almost done. Let her see the whole picture." Autumn nods, giving me a small smile as she continues to make sure every last detail she's done is perfect. How hard could it have been? The whole goal was to highlight my natural features, nothing too extravagant. Kianna takes a few more moments before I'm engulfed in a cloud of hairspray, an occurrence I've had plenty of practice getting used to the last few years full of different shows and ceremonies, none of which compare to the weight of todays. "Alright, are you ready?" 

Nodding to the two women standing in front of me now, I'm handed a mirror, finally able to see myself for the first time. "You guys are assholes," I joke, trying to hold back the tears that are already threatening to overflow seeing how beautiful I look. Every aspect, from the subtle liner to the coil of each curl, exactly how I'd pictured it. "I-," I can't even get the words out as I shake my head, letting a breath out of my nose.

"She loves it," Tyler says, voicing what I'm apparently unable to say. "Jai, you look," He lets out a breath shaking his head, "Incredible." 

"See," I laugh, "You even got Tyler to say something nice." The few chuckles die down as everyone takes their turns obsessing over me for the time being, all of them still needing to get into their dresses. My photographer, Gemma, was in charge of planning that, seemingly knowing exactly how she wanted to get her shots in. She's the professional; it's not my place to question it. 

The girls all start pulling their dresses out of their bags, all of them just as obsessed with them as they'd been at the fittings. As long as they're happy and feel good, that's all that matters. Lounging out in the chair, Tyler pulls his up directly across from me, giving me the biggest grin. "What?" I ask, unsure of what he wants.

"Oh, Jailyn," He says, still with the grin on his face, "Remember last year, at my wedding, when you kicked Christian out, and we got to talk?" 

"Yeah?" I ask, unsure of where he's going before I remember my offer to drive the getaway car. "Are you offering to drive my getaway car?" 

Tyler laughs along with me, nodding to himself, both of us knowing damn well that's not even a passing thought, "It feels stupid to even offer, but it's out there." 

"As unnecessary as the offer is," I state, "I still appreciate it."

"Anytime," He tells me, smiling as he holds out his hand for me to take, "For all the shit we give each other, I'm incredibly grateful that we're here today and you've found Christian. There was a time when I didn't know if I'd see you again because of people who never deserved you, so I'm incredibly thankful that we made it here, and I get to pawn you off onto Christian." For as deep as his sentiment got, I'm glad he lightened the mood a little at the end. 

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