Just Say Thank You and Shut Up.

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After two whole seasons, you'd think packing would at least get a little easier. Pushing my hand through my hair, I look over the array of things sprawled out in the once open corner of my closet. How is something so simple this stressful for absolutely no reason? If I wasn't in the position I am, as the face of the sport, I feel like I could just get away with whatever. Knowing I'm going to have the brunt of the press, I can't just wear a T-Shirt and sweatpants every day as much as I'd like to.

The background noise of a Kacey Musgraves song is cut off and replaced by the sound of my phone vibrating against the marble top of the island. Somehow, I'm almost grateful for the distraction from my already long procrastinated task.

"Hey," I answer, seeing Tyler's name across the screen, "It's been a minute."

"I know," He laughs, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

Sighing, I look back at my suitcases and stacks of clothes, "Yes and no. If you need something and it's super important, no, but I'm trying to get everything ready to head to Oklahoma in about a week. What's up?"

"Dylan and I need you to go dress shopping," Tyler lets me know, "We've got an appointment at this boutique downtown."

"Why can't I just get a dress where ever?" I ask, knowing I've got significantly more options than whatever David's Bridal has to offer.

"Because I want Jailyn James, my best friend, to be at the wedding, not Jailyn James, the softball superstar."

"I'm pretty sure I'm more than capable of being both," I reply, laughing a little, knowing what he means.

Tyler scoffs, "I don't know about that, seeing as I heard you were engaged through an Instagram post."

Laughing, I shake my head as I lean my back on the island, "And how exactly did I hear you were engaged, again, asshole?" Tyler's loud laugh makes me smile as I add, "That's what I thought, bitch."

"God, we're shitty best friends," He replies, still chuckling, "So I'll see you tomorrow? Especially since you already get the best man or maid of honor title without having to do any of the work."

"Yeah," I reply, "I'll see you tomorrow, just text me when and where, I guess."

"Alright, see you later."

"Bye," I reply, basically getting cut off by him hanging up. Typical, I scoff, setting my phone back on the island where I'd had it resting.

After probably twenty minutes or so more of my stress-fueled packing, a soft knock on my closet door pulls my attention. "Hey," I say, greeting my clearly fresh from a workout future husband.

"Hey," He replies, coming over and kissing me quickly, "Still packing?"

"Clearly," I comment, looking at seemingly the bigger mess that I've made. "Tyler told me I have to go dress shopping for his and Dylan's wedding tomorrow."

"How long has it been since you've seen them?" Christian asks, leaning on the island as he looks at me, turning my music down a little. "Is it still since before we left for Malibu?"

Nodding, I reply, "I think so. It's definitely been a minute."

"That'll be good for you to get to see them," Christian confirms, picking up one of the Louboutins that's resting on top of the island. "Want to take a break and go to dinner?"

"Yeah, you should probably shower first, though," I point out, getting an eye roll accompanied by his infectious smile. "What are you thinking?"

"We could go to where I took you on our first official date," He suggests, "Or get spotted coming out of Bacchus again."

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