Okay, I'm Not Beyonce.

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Squealing slightly, I can't help but laugh as I'm directed by my two best friends through the labyrinth that is the hotel lobby while blindfolded. Carly, Maddy, and I are all giggling now that I've gotten past the point where I'm trying to figure out what their angle is. Sometimes, you've just gotta let the two of them do their thing and just go with it. Stumbling over my own feet, I scream, still laughing as I grip tightly onto Carly to stabilize myself. 

"Was the blindfold really necessary?" I ask, still giggling over the whole ordeal with the two of them. 

"Yes, shut up," Carly scolds, her laughter almost cutting her off as I hear the quiet screech of the automatic doors opening to the outside before the slight gust of warm Pheonix summer air hits me. Where the hell are they taking me? Ken's got us on about as close to house arrest as he can, seeing as we've only got about a week left of the season before the World Softball Series. That doesn't give them a ton of leeway in things that we can do. Then again, when have we ever truly stuck to the rules?

As I'm helped into a vehicle, and the doors are all shut, I'm finally able to take the blindfold off. Glancing around, I see Maddy, Sydney, and Carly all grinning from ear to ear across from me in the purple-toned lighting of what I can only assume is a Hummer Limo, given the size. "Why the hell was I blindfolded just to get into a vehicle I've been in a handful of times before?" 

The girls all laugh, as does a very familiar one next to me, pulling my attention. "Oh my god, Tyler!" I exclaim, throwing myself over the seat between the two of us to hug my best friend. He's laughing just as hard as the girls as he hugs me back. God, I feel like his wedding was the last time I really got to see him, which is stupid. 

"I can't get over how oblivious you are," He tells me, still laughing as I pull away.

"What the hell are you doing here? It's been too fucking long." 

"I know," He replies, reaching down to grab a bottle of Champagne he'd had tucked away, "Happy bachelorette party, bitch." 

Bachelorette party? Looking around at my friends in the limo, all grinning from ear to ear, seeming thrilled to be celebrating me getting married and the idea of my current 'Freedom' for one last night. What an archaic concept, but hey, who am I to turn down a party? They all know that short of the court documents, Christian and I have been as good as married since we got back together officially almost two years ago. "Did you guys run this by Ken?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Right, as if your ass cares," Carly calls out, "Miss, 'I'm running when I want.'"

"Hey," I start, defending my own actions, "My ninety-eight percent stolen base percentage has my back there." 

"And the two percent you miss gets you foul poles," Carly shoots back, all of us laughing over the whole thing as we head off towards whatever the girls have in store for the night. 

The ride included anything from us singing, or rapping, along to anything that's on the playlist Maddy had made, to us polishing off the bottle of Champagne very quickly, before I'm met with a bit of confusion when we arrive at the airport. 

"What are we doing at the airport?" I ask, noticing the plane that's just come in overhead. It's not like we can leave Pheonix; we've got a doubleheader the day after tomorrow. Glancing out the window, trying to figure it out myself, I spot Larissa coming towards us, "Oh my god!" Jumping out of the limo, I meet her almost halfway, embracing her tightly in the middle of the street, I'm sure to the dismay of the drivers around us. 

She laughs in my ear, hugging me just as tight, "Happy Bachelorette Party, Jai. We should probably move, though."

"Right," I agree, laughing as I'm completely elated seeing her, especially on top of the Tyler surprise. This is incredible. 

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