First Pitch.

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As I'm directed to the mound, the voice over the speakers here at Miller Park introduces me. "Throwing out tonight's Ceremonial First pitch is Milwaukee native, Jailyn James! Jailyn will be representing Team USA at this year's Olympic Games in Tokyo! As the starting outfielder for Team USA Softball, Jailyn leads the team with an unbelievable .764 batting average this season." Christian grins at me while I wave, with both hands, to the crowd here today. As he takes his place behind the plate, ready to receive my pitch. "Receiving her pitch today is our very own, Christian Yelich!" 

Getting to the mound, I take it all in a moment before holding the ball in both hands, making sure to take my time to get locked in. I'd never hear the end of this if I messed it up. Pulling my arm back, I go through the motions letting the ball fly to Christian, smiling brightly as he does. "And it's a fantastic pitch!" The announcer calls out, the cheers ringing down on me as I wave some more, heading off towards Christian to collect the ball before heading off the field. "Good luck to Jailyn and the rest of Team USA in Tokyo!" With the encouraging send-off, the crowd of probably 36,000 people begins to chant 'USA'. 

Grinning from ear to ear, I begin to pump my arm as I chant with them. After about three times, Christian approaches and hands me the ball, both of us smiling at the gesture while we leave the field together for a photo-op. 

I'm not sure the cameras leave us for even a second while we interact with each other publicly for the very first time. The pressure we'd felt before already feeling like it's been lifted off of us, even as he goes through the motions of signing the ball for me. When he hands it back, he holds his glove over his mouth so I'm the only person who can catch what he's saying.

"When do you head out again?" He asks.

"Two days," I reply, "Then we've got about four or five, depending on flights before our first game."

"Alright, well, text me when we're done today. I'm not letting you go without a proper sendoff." 

Chuckling, I nod, "Okay, I'll have to check in with Josh, but I let you know." 

Christian nods himself before taking his glove down. "Good luck!"

"You too," I tell him, flashing a smile before we head off, me up the stands, and him back into the dugout. 

As I'm escorted up, I'm continually getting stopped for pictures. This is new. I'm not sure how the woman who's escorting me feels, but I'm not going to be one who shys away from interacting with fans. There's no chance that everyone stopping me even knows who I am but hey, who can stop them from a photo op with a soon-to-be Olympian?

When we finally get up to the press box, I'm ushered to a seat in between Brian and Bill. The two of them continue commentating on the game as I'm fitted with a headset. My publicist makes sure my hair is in place before moving back and leaving me, ready to go for the inning interview.

"Joining us now in the booth now is Jailyn James." Brian introduces as the camera seems to focus on us now, "Jailyn threw out tonights ceremonial first pitch here at Millar Park and has been one of the most, if not the most exciting player to follow ever in the Pro-Fastpitch world. If you didn't know her name before, I suggest remembering it now as she gears up to head to Tokyo to represent Team USA in the upcoming Olympic games. Welcome Jailyn, it's great to have you here."

"It's great to be here," I reply, a smile covering my face. "I've lived here my entire life, so today has been incredibly exciting for me, to say the least." 

"Well, we're certainly glad to have you," Bill adds, "So your season wrapped up just about two weeks ago, and from very early on, people were talking about your first, and only, college season stat-line." Nodding, I agree as he continues, "Somehow you did seemingly the impossible and came out in three times the plate appearances, came out with an even crazier stat-line. If you don't mind, I'm going to list some of those for everyone now because they're incredible." 

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