Today's Sloppy Seconds.

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Standing on my own, I get used to being weight-bearing on both feet again. It feels damn good to not be dependant on the crutches anymore. Getting into Christian's building, I hit his floors button on the elevator. We're so close to having this damn boot off too, this step on its own is huge but getting there? I cannot wait.

Walking down the hallway takes a little longer than it had, but I can't wait to see Christian and show him this little victory in the right direction. Getting to his door, I grab the key I'd been given after it was retrieved from Ryan and unlock the door, letting myself in. I'd told Christian that I would stop over after PT today. We'll see if he remembered that.

"Christian!" I call out, closing his door behind me. Setting my keys and bag on his kitchen island, I slip my shoe off as I wait for him to make his appearance. After a minute or two, I hear him start coming down the stairs. His lack of a shirt and messy hair a pretty damning tell that he forgot I was coming over. "I interrupted something, didn't I?"

The subtle look of embarrassment flashes on his face as he grins at me, "Maybe a little bit, wait, where are the crutches?"

Laughing, I look at my booted foot before sticking it out, "I'm cleared to be weight-bearing. I don't need them anymore!"

"JJ, that's amazing," he tells me as he approaches before pulling me into a hug, picking me up, and spinning me around, both of us laughing now. "What's the ETA on getting the boot off?"

"Dr.Collins is thinking about two or three more weeks with the boot. After that, the absolute soonest I'm cleared to start some level of practice is about four weeks. We're in the home stretch now, and Dr.Collins said he's almost certain I won't have any setbacks."

"That's incredible, JJ," He tells me, hugging me again. "We should go out to celebrate."

"Hey, I'm just gonna go, I guess," The very pretty blonde I hadn't noticed says, pulling Christian and my attention again.

Shaking my head quickly, I feel bad that I didn't give a heads up today officially. "Oh my god, no, I'm sorry. I didn't realize he'd had company, and I didn't give him a heads up that I was stopping by today."

"It's fine," The blonde says, shaking her head, "I don't want to interrupt whatever moment this is."

"No, don't even worry about it. It's not really a moment. I'm just mobile without crutches, finally, and wanted to let Christian know. By all means, you two carry on," I almost insist as I try to contain my giggles over this interaction, Christian seems just as amused.

"Time's kind of passed," She replies, slipping on her shoes I hadn't noticed were out here when I'd come in, "You two celebrate. Christian, if you were interested some other time, I left my number. Don't worry, I won't say anything." Both the blonde and I look to Christian as he nods before she lets herself out. Giving it a couple of minutes, Christian and I look at each other before I shake my head, both of us laughing over the interaction.

"She's pretty," I comment to him, raising my eyebrows with a small smile.

"The MVP status has its perks."

Scoffing, I shake my head, "Gross." 

"What do you mean gross?" He asks, laughing. 

"Don't use women, Yelich," I scold, hopefully my teasing coming across. 

"Does that mean we can't hang out anymore?" 

"No stupid, we use each other," I reply, laughing as he grins, shaking his head. 

"Damn right we do," He replies, pinching at my side as we laugh together. 

"So, I've been thinking," I start, segwaying from our already seemingly eventful morning. 

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