I'll Miss You.

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Laying with our bodies intertwined, Christian and I take in our last moments of peace and alone time with each other. Apparently, being successful has its downsides, especially when you're in love with someone who can't just come with all of the time. Neither of us says anything, our fingers running gently along the other's bare skin, mine along his chest while his trace up and down my arm. The peaceful calm that engulfs us is a comforting safety net that I never want to go away. Watching as my hand moves aimlessly across his chest, I can't ignore the hint of sadness I feel, knowing we can only take a few more moments before I have to go. It'd be selfish of me to ask for anything more than I've gotten, and I know that.

Tilting my head up, I look to Christian, his warm eyes meeting mine, wondering what it is thats on my mind. The corners of my mouth turn up into a small smile as I whisper, "I love you."

My words make Christian smile as he moves his hand from my arm to brush through my hair, "I love you too."

Stretching myself up to him, I place my lips on his, initiating one of our last kisses for a while. When Christian matches my energy, his arms wrap around me as I go from laying next to him, my leg draped over him, to laying on top of him, legs on either side of his torso. As I start grinding my hips slowly, one of his hands trails down my body, as the other makes its way to the back of my head as he laces his fingers in my hair. This means more knowing it's our last chance for a while.

Christian's hand moves from where it had been gripping my ass to trailing back up to grab at my chest while I continue the slow grind on him. Our lips moving together, not breaking apart once. After a few more moments, I reach my hand between us and position him under me, both of us more than ready for this to continue further.

Our lips pull apart a moment as both of us gasp a little as I bring us to our most intimate place. Meeting Christian's eyes, there's a soft loving smile to be exchanged as I start slowly moving my hips, finding a rhythm as we feel every inch of each other that we can. Leaning into my boyfriend again, I place my lips back to his as my hands tangle themselves in his hair he's let grow a little longer than usual. His hand still holds my hair, while his other finds its way back to my hip, guiding me as I lead our movements, both of us completely enamored with one another. The only time our kiss is broken is when small moans escape. A little over a year and a half later, and I'm still just as insanely turned on by him as I was the first time. 

When we finish, the two of us lay with each other once again, catching our breath a moment before I finally ruin things by checking the time on my phone. As much as I wish things were different, I've got a budding career to attend to. "When I agreed to this, I didn't realize how bad it would suck leaving again," I comment, sitting up as I set my phone to the side. 

"It's definitely something you find ways to get used to," Christian replies, sitting up against his headboard. We'll get through Christmas, and then I'll be back in Milwaukee for Brewers On Deck. It's only like three weeks now until we'll be in the same place again." 

"I know," I tell him, forcing a smile, "It still sucks, especially since I'll miss you." 

"We'll be okay, as much as I'll miss you too," He replies, taking my hand in his, "It'll be better than when we were in season. We'll be able to talk whenever, not having both of us with insane schedules that don't really line up."

"That's true," I agree, nodding a little, "It's still annoying." Chuckling, Christian nods now before both of our attention is pulled as my alarm to get going starts going off. All good things must come to an end. 

Sitting in the board room, I listen as I'm presented my deal taking in this whole moment as a couple of sheets of paper are laid out in front of me. "You've been using the CF Negative 10 weight drop model, right, Jailyn?"

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