Talking About GOATs.

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Rubbing the side of my stomach, I furrow my eyebrows feeling a little bit of cramping. Probably just getting my period soon. Brushing it off, I pull the curling iron out of my hair. Scrunching it together in my hand, I spray it with a little hairspray, noticing my company standing in the doorway of his bathroom. "Hey," I comment, smiling a little as I continue on my hair.

"Hey," He replies, "Do you have plans for today?" 

Shaking my head, I spray my next curl before continuing, "No, I just didn't like how my hair was this morning."

"I see," He comments, "Wanna go to Disney?" 

Pulling the curling iron away, I turn and actually look at him, rather than just through the mirror, "Seriously?" 

He shrugs as he nods, "Yeah, why not? Something to do, I know you like Disney, and I think you'll actually be surprised by how much less crowded it is compared to the one in Florida." 

"Okay," I reply, chuckling a little at his seemingly random plan for today. "What time do you wanna go?" 

"Whenever. Finish getting ready, and we can head out, but there's no rush." 

"Alright," I confirm, turning back to finish my hair, fully conscious of Christian's watchful eye right now. His hovering isn't anything new both of us seem to like just hanging out with the other, even if we've got nothing to do with what they're doing. Quality time isn't something we miss out on when we have the chance, apparently. 

As I'm finishing up, another cramp hits, seemingly just about the same as the one before. Furrowing my brow slightly, I try ignoring it as I unplug the curling iron. It's been a while since I've gotten my period. Ever since I got my IUD and then started playing softball as actively as I have been, it's been pretty irregular and unpredictable for when I get it, if I get it. This wouldn't be the first time that I've skipped a few months, only for it to come back a little more symptomatic than I'm used to. 

"You okay?" Christian asks.

Nodding, my brow is still furrowed as the minor cramping passes, "Yeah, don't worry about it. Let me change quick, and we can head out." He nods as I stand up and start heading out of the bathroom. Stopping me a moment, he kisses me gently before letting me go, hitting my butt on my way past.

Squatting down, I look through the racks of the jewelry, seeing if there's anything I actually like enough to buy. Pursing my lips, I look through the rings trying to find my size, "I think I'm a size seven," I comment to Christian as I stand back up and look through the things that were at the top of the stand. "Then again, I'm always buying myself stuff that I never wear," I add, finding a cute ring in the likeness of Rapunzels tiara. The rhinestones sparkle nicely as I try it on before I put it back. "I was right on the seven front." 

Christian chuckles, "You're not getting it?" 

"No, I'd never be able to wear it," I reply, "I work too much, and I'd manage to lose it in like Japan or something next year. Sometimes it's just nice to look."

"So, I shouldn't buy it for you then?" 

"Definitely not," I laugh, coasting through the store and finding a pair of rose gold Minnie ears and placing them on my head. Making a face at Christian, he laughs as he rolls his eyes before I grab a pair of Mickey's ears and put them on his head. 

"Now you're the dork," he tells me, a smile resting on his face before he leans in and gives me a small kiss. Our little corner of the store is private enough that neither of us cares about our small public displays of affection. When he pulls away, he takes the ears off himself and puts them back before pointing to mine, "You should get those; they're cute." 

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