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"You've got way too damn many friends," Carly comments, brushing through her hair as my phone continues to light up with notifications. 

"I really don't," I reply, laughing, "Besides everyone on the team, I've got like three. Everyone else just seems to like me a lot more now that I'm on the Olympic team."

"God, do I feel that," Carly agrees, feeling my annoyance with the boost in popularity because of that status. Grabbing two elastics, I scoot into the bathroom next to Carly as she continues to straighten her hair so I can get my braids in, getting ready for our game this afternoon. 

As I'm tying the elastic around the end of my first braid, my facetime goes off, and Christian's name pops up on the screen. Flipping my phone over to hide the name, I head to my bag to find my AirPods before answering. The expectation that me flipping my phone over would stop Carly from being nosey isn't met by the time I find my headphones.

"Well, you're definitely not Jailyn's boyfriend," I hear her say, pulling my full attention.

"What the hell Carly?"

"What?" She asks, laughing as she shakes her head at me. "You were going to miss it, and it was annoying me. You'd said you've never met him!" She turns my phone to me as Christian's laughing a little. Well, there goes our cover. It's impressive that we've almost made it an entire year without anyone really knowing anything.

"Okay, maybe that's not true," I comment, "But after the reaction, I got because of that video, it wasn't something we could just publicize. Especially since I was about to be suspended."

"Damn," Carly laughs, "I'll be honest, I didn't see this coming." 

Scoffing, I shake my head, "Yeah, I'll let you talk to him if you promise not to say anything about it."

"Deal," Carly says, turning my phone back to her, "How's it going? I'm Carly." Snorting at the introduction, I just shake my head as she looks up and smiles at me, chuckling. "I'm sure you've heard all about me, though."

Christian chuckles a little before answering, "You've been mentioned once or twice. Where are you guys right now?" 

"Our hotel room in Johnson City, Tennesee," Carly answers as I move past her to finish braiding the other half of my hair. "Wait," Carly says, looking between the phone and me, "If today is Jai's twenty-first, what was up with that video, Yeli?" 

Snorting, I shake my head, focusing on twisting my hair with itself. "That's all on her," Christian responds, laughing, "When we met, she actually bought me a drink, so that's all her." 

"Carly, you've drank with me before, too," I point out.

"Shut up," Carly tells me off, making all of us laugh. "You two had a lot of chemistry in that video. Why aren't you guys dating?"

"Because I have a boyfriend?" I reply, looking at her. 

"Yeah, and a Christian Yelich."

Rolling my eyes, I just ignore the comment grabbing my second hair elastic and tying my second end. "Can I cut you a deal?" Christian asks, "I'll let JJ know when I'm free later, and she can facetime me then so we can talk. You just gotta let me talk to her now."

"Fine, I guess," She says dramatically before tossing my phone back to me. 

Rolling my eyes, I leave Carly in the bathroom and head out to our room. "Sorry, I was trying to find my headphones, and she grabbed my phone."

Christian shakes his head, "Nah, don't worry about it. People were bound to find out at some point."

"I know, but still."

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