You're Pretty Amazing Yourself.

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Sitting on the floor of my apartment, I wrap my picture frames in bubble wrap before placing them in the box. This is crazy that I'm moving out of this apartment once my lease is up. The last two years of my life have been here. This was my first place out on my own. It's so weird that it's not going to be my home anymore.

About halfway through my packing of the pictures, Christian calls, "Hello?"

"Hey, I'm on my way. Do you mind if a couple of the guys come with? Ryan, Jacob, Lo, and I think maybe Vogey wanted to do something today."

Chuckling, I nod to myself, "And coming over to pack my apartment was the solution?"

"Yeah," Christian replies with a laugh, "I see those guys every day. You, on the other hand, I'm not as lucky. That, and the guys have been bugging me about you since Ryan and Jacob caught us and made it a thing."

"Whatever," I tell him, grabbing the box tape, "If they want to come help, they can. There's not really that much to do though, you've seen how small my place is. There's also the fact I can't do anything with my furniture yet either."

"Right," Christian agrees, "Well, we'll be over soon, I will be at least."

"Okay, sounds good," I reply before we hang up. Well, I guess I'm entertaining today. Taping the box shut, I push it to the side while I stand up, careful with my boot. Only a few more weeks, I have to remind myself, we're on the home stretch. Heading into my bedroom, I grab a pair of bigger sweatpants to throw on and a black crop top. When it was just Christian, it didn't matter. Now that it's several others who I really haven't met yet, I probably can't just hang out in a sports bra and spandex. Working the sweats up, I'm careful around my boot. It's going to be a damn good day when I can just wear pants without worrying about this fucking thing.

Heading back out, I see the full extent of my clutter. Throwing up my hair, I start pushing the boxes I've got packed to the side, giving some greater sense of organization. There's not a whole ton left that needs to be packed. Whatever, I'm not worried about Christian needing or wanting to spend time outside of baseball with the guys.

Checking out all the shit on my breakfast bar, I attempt to give it some sort of de-clutter before there's a knock moments before Christian lets himself in, followed by Ryan. "Hey, JJ."

"Hey," I reply, watching as Christian kicks his shoes off and Ryan takes the cue to do the same.

"Hey, how's the not girlfriend doing?" Ryan asks.

Scoffing, I shake my head, "Just fine, thanks."

"Glad to hear," he tells me, "Cute place."

"Thanks," I reply, pulling out one of my barstools taking a seat. "There's not too much left to do in terms of packing it up. I got most of it done this morning."

"Really?" Christian asks, sitting down next to me, Ryan next to him.

"Yeah, I don't really have that much stuff besides clothing. I can't do anything with my furniture yet either. We've gotta at least close on the house first."

"Why aren't you two dating?" Ryan asks. The dude is so forward, "Like you're literally buying a house together. I don't get it."

"Because we're not into each other like that?" I comment, raising an eyebrow. It's not as if there were supposed to be a big reveal. "Yeli hasn't given you the whole explanation yet?"

"No, I was just curious if you'd say the same thing," He replies, laughing. As annoying as our two encounters with each other have been so far, I feel like me and him are going to get along well. "You playing again next season?"

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