Pretty Sick Bat Drops.

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"You know," I start, looking at Christian as we ride home in his car, "I was mostly joking earlier when I'd said that you had to have a good game now." Christian lets out a loud laugh as he shakes his head, "I do appreciate the fact you had a career game today, though. That, and that I got to see it in person. I've missed seeing you play on more than just TV."

Christian smiles at me, squeezing my thigh where his hand had been resting, "I missed having you at my games. Of course, I delivered. I can't have one of the best days of my life and not top it off with one of my best games," He jokes, grinning at me as I giggle. "It's nice having you around in general. Before this year, I don't think I realized how little either of us is around in season."

"This year was weird," I confirm, "We were out of the country a lot more than usual. This next season I believe we're going to be more stateside again. We'll have to figure everything out next year when there are a couple of months where our schedules don't line up."

"I know," He tells me, smiling as he looks at me. "I suck when you're not around."

Scoffing, I shake my head, the smile stuck on my face, "I wouldn't go that far. You didn't suck last year, and I wasn't around. This year you've had a leach trying to steal all your mojo."

"My mojo," he chuckles, "Maybe I don't suck without you, but everything is more fun with you around."

"I can believe that," I tell him, resting my hand on top of his.

"Yeah?" He asks, "Why's that?"

"I don't know, just how you are in interviews," I shrug, "When we're good, you seem more open, and you show your personality a little more. When we're not together, you keep up the whole well-spoken, straight-to-the-point, clean-cut, cookie-cutter front."

"How often are you watching my interviews to catch that?" Christian asks, laughing.

Shrugging, I chuckle, "I've seen you twice in the last six months. I've gotta fill that void somehow." Both of us laugh before I continue, "It's mostly just when they show up on my feed or when fan accounts show up on my explore page on Instagram."

"I see," Christian laughs, "Don't worry, I've done the same thing. Your highlights are a little more fun to watch than mine are."

"This season, yeah," I confirm, grinning at him as I give him shit over his down year. "That, and that's the only time you get to see me be really cocky."

"I know, and it's fun to watch," He tells me, smiling at me, "You should be cocky. No one can touch you. That little smirk you do gets me every time," He adds, "That, and you've got some pretty sick bat drops."

"I try," I reply, laughing with him as we continue driving back to our house.

Looking at Christian, I take in every feature of his face as I lay with him in the dawn's early light. His relatively short curls are a bit longer than he usually likes, resting slightly disheveled on his forehead. He looks incredibly peaceful as his eyelashes rest on top of his cheekbones, still sound asleep next to me. His mouth is parted slightly, breathing slowly, seeming as if nothing could shake him. It's been far too long since we've been in this position without any other factors being in the way to ruin it for us. 

Pushing one of the curls fallen onto his face back slightly, he stirs slightly. Pinching his eyes together a moment, he stretches before he blinks, adjusting to the soft light of the room, smiling as he sees me. "Morning, beautiful." 

Chuckling, I smile as I reply, "Good morning." 

"Every morning is good, waking up with you," He almost mumbles, still waking up as his hand rests itself on my side as he closes his eyes again, the soft smile still on his face. 

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