Hoes Mad.

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"Christian: JJ is getting ejected now? Didn't think I'd see the day where there'd be a professional softball ejection, let alone it being you." Furrowing my eyebrows, I read over the text again. Is he now all of a sudden speaking to me? Am I supposed to just go along with it? Or am I supposed to get annoyed and call him on it? 

Sending back one of the eye roll emojis, I add, "Yeah, I'm not taking getting hit nine out of sixteen plate appearances. That's bullshit, and if you're too scared to pitch to me, I'm calling it out. Two series into the season and already getting drilled by pitches." 

"What's the concern for, James," Carly asks. 

Shaking my head, I toss her my phone, "Christian texted me about my ejection. He's just as amused as you are by it." 

Carly laughs, tossing my phone back to me, "I mean, you were pissed. Rightfully so, but it's not something that happens a lot in our sport. It's kind of a big deal. Twitter seems to be loving it, and there are some pretty great compilations going around about it. Everyone seems to be on your side about it." 

"I'm sure the compilations are great," I laugh, "Especially since I was getting more and more pissed each time. That, and I was probably looking so un-athletic by the end of it." Going into Twitter, I look for the video.

"We were all getting a kick out of it in the dugout," Carly confirms, "Especially when you were fuming getting back to the bench." 

Snorting, I nod as I watch the video, getting to my last at-bat and seeing me get drilled again. Holy shit. "God damn, the bitch could've at least thrown me a change-up, not just a full-on four-seamer." 

"Speaking of which," Carly chuckles, "How are you looking now?" 

Lifting my shirt up, I reply, "You tell me." 

"Holy fuck," Carly says, getting close and pushing me around slightly to get a better look, "Dude, that one is gnarly. We definitely need to insta that one." 

Laughing, I go to my luggage, "Let me get a swimsuit on, give everyone the full effect of my nine bruises." Carly lets out a loud laugh before nodding as I grab my burnt orange string bikini. Wiggling the little fabric towards her, I head into the bathroom to get changed. Once my clothes are off, I can't help but laugh, seeing how beat up I look. Most of my leg is any variety of colors, that being the most popular spot for me to get hit. The one on my hip is a bright purple, the laces still prominent on my bone. Carly wasn't kidding when she said they were gnarly. 

"These are so bad," I laugh, coming out of the bathroom, "Like look at the laces on my hip!" 

Carly laughs, looking me over again before asking, "Do they hurt?" 

"What the fuck do you mean; do they hurt?" I ask, "I know you're not exactly getting used for target practice, but you've gotten hit by pitches before." 

"I know," She replies, chuckling, "I just figure at some point, you get used to it." 

"For the most part, I think I am," I reply, looking down at my leg again before my phone buzzes in my hand. 

"Christian: I mean, you getting the Barry Bonds treatment must be fun. Knowing you're that intimidating behind the plate, right? How are your bruises looking? Lmao."

Snorting, I chuckle reading the text, "Christian asked about my bruises." Carly laughs as I type back, "Yeah, Insta post is going up in a few minutes. I'd text a pic, but I don't want to piss off your girlfriend."

"Let's take it out on the balcony," Carly suggests, scoping everything out. When she slides the patio door open, I follow her lead, letting her direct this little photo shoot. "Okay, so put one foot up on the little ledge there. Yeah, just like that, we can see all of the bruises that way. Honestly, you're so hot, you've got it." I laugh as she starts snapping the pictures. "Jailyn, I've never hated you so much for being so fucking hot. You're such a fucking goddess. Can we just date already?" 

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