Are You Crying?.

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Pinching my eyes tightly together, I feel the familiar pit in my stomach making me all too aware of its existence and the fact I overdid things last night. Thankfully we're not at the point where I feel like I'm about to lose whatever I've got in it. More or less, I feel gross. Taking a deep breath, I open my eyes and am surprised to see the empty space in front of me. While I may have ruined things last night, I wouldn't anticipate Christian not staying with me. 

Rolling onto my back, I look up at the hotel ceiling as I let my hand rest in my hair. Do I even remember everything from last night? Things were going well until I spilled on the ectopic. After that, we came back, and as far as I know, I passed out once I hit the bed. I'd have figured that Christian would've joined me pretty quick there. Sitting up gently, I feel out my hangover, making sure I don't have to make a quick break to the bathroom. 

Luckily for me, I'm fine. Seeing as the bathroom door is shut, and I can see the light underneath, making a break for it wouldn't work well. That explains Christian's absence this morning. He's probably just grabbing a shower. Reaching my hands down towards my feet, I stretch out for a few moments before sitting back again. Every time I drink like last night, I always feel like ass. Yet somehow, I never learn.

"Morning party pooper," Christian says, greeting me for the first time this morning, a grin on his fresh out of the shower face. "How are you feeling?" 

"Fine," I scoff, shaking my head as my fiance wrapped only in a towel sits on the bed next to me. "Other than the fact, I feel bad for last night." 

"You shouldn't," Christian reassures me, "When you passed out, I went to talk to Ryan and Larissa and let them know you're fine and what happened." Nodding, I give him a small smile. At least one of us was able to corral that one back in. 

"You said it yourself, though," I point out, playing with him a little bit, "I was a party pooper."

Christian laughs, rolling his eyes as he smiles at me, "JJ, you were the party. Seriously though, don't worry about it. Both of them agreed that you get them in the divorce." 

"Why are we talking about divorce before we're even married," I reply, laughing, "Kinda feels like bad juju." 

"If there's one thing I'm sure of," Christian starts, his smile softer than before, "It's that we'll never have to worry about that, bad juju or not."


Grabbing the four boxes, I head back to join my girls in Christian and my Malibu living room. The countdown to the wedding is officially on, and we can't get anywhere without asking our bridal party if they want to be a part of our day. Larissa, Carly, Maddy, and Sydney are all chatting amongst themselves as I start handing out each of their gifts. "Hold on and open them together," I instruct, before calling out "Carly," Directly earning a few laughs.

"Yes, we'll be your bridesmaids," Carly replies, rolling her eyes with a smile. All of them were pretty sure that's what was going on, seeing as it's pretty rare for me to try and get all of us together, especially with the inclusion of Larissa into our team's madness. "These things are heavy. Girl, what'd you put in here." 

"Shut up," I tell her, chuckling as I lean back against the fireplace mantel so I can watch them all open the gift, "Okay, you guys can open them." 

Almost as soon as the words are out, Carly is digging right in, ignoring the note on top and getting straight to the contents of the box. To be fair, she did already confirm that she'd be my bridesmaid thirty seconds ago. Maddy also seems to ignore the note, not that I'd expect anything less from either of them. "Damn bitch, you got us that good Champagne." 

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