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Putting the stopper back into the bottle of wine, I head out to join Christian in our living room. Buying a bar is a little bit bigger of a deal than just something you can go ahead and do, especially since I've already committed to committing to sharing my life with him. 

"Hey," Christian says, greeting me with a smile as I come into the room, and he looks up from his laptop. 

"Hey," I reply, returning the smile as I walk over to join him on the couch, my glass of wine in hand. Sitting next to him, I face him, my legs crossed as I do. "Are you busy?" 

"No, just looking at some film from last season," he replies, clicking to pause the video. "What's up?" He asks, looking at me as he sets his laptop to the side, resting a hand on my knee. 

"I need to talk to you," I tell him, letting him take a drink from my glass. "It's that Door County one I like. I forgot we still had a bottle here before we left." 

"It's good," He confirms, letting me have my glass back, "Everything okay?" 

Chuckling, I nod, "Yeah, I just figure that I should talk to you about big things rather than just doing them."

"Okay," Christian laughs, the smile lingering on his face. "What big thing do you have going on this time?" He teases, "Does Marvel want you to be the next leading lady?" 

"Ass," I tease back, "I've also never acted before, so that feels like a long shot." Christian nods, the grin still on his face. "I can't help it that I'm popular," I joke, quoting mean girls as I flip my hair, giggling as I do. "No, but seriously," I add, "Tyler told me that Sal is selling the bar." Christian chuckles, nodding more than likely knowing exactly where this is going, "I'm going to pretend that you don't already know that I offered to buy it for him." 

Christian lets out a loud laugh, "Sorry that you're predictable." 

"Again," I comment, "Ass." Both of us laugh as I push on his arm with my finger. "As far as I know, I'd have nothing to do with it other than being the sole investor. When he graduates in June, Tyler is going to have a degree in business management with a minor in accounting. So as far as I'm concerned, he's more than capable of handling it," I add, joking slightly but also knowing that Ty knows that place better than anyone else. "Dylans also got a degree in business something, but I'm pretty sure his is in international business with a minor in German." 

"Right," Christian nods, "You don't have to be a sole investor." Furrowing my eyebrows, I question him a little, not sure if he means that he wants to invest or if he's saying I should find other investors. "I'd go in on it. It's kinda cool that we'd get to own the bar that we met in." Smiling, I nod, looking into his deep brown eyes, "How much is he asking?" 

"One point three mil," I reply, "Which is cheaper than I'd anticipated. You really can't find a much better location. The location is on the Milwaukee River, MSOE, and MATC, are both right there. UWM's Arena is right there, along with the High Life Theater and the Performing Arts Center, all within walking distance to the bar. Personally, I'd value it closer to two point five, if not three." 

"Maybe Sal is letting Tyler get dibs on it," he suggests, "He's been working there for like five years now, hasn't he?" 

"Yeah," I agree, "I told Ty that it'd be my wedding present for them." Christian laughs nodding. 

"That's quite the gift," Christian replies, "Speaking of gifts, I think the first prototypes of your line are here. A big box came from Portland this morning. The delivery guy had me sign like eight things for it." 

Chuckling, I nod, "They're probably just making sure nothing gets leaked." 

"Right," Christian laughs, "Insane that they've got stuff for you already when it's been all of a week and a half." 

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