Let's Shoot For Two.

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Taking a chop at the ball thrown to me for BP, I clip just on top of it, sending it into the ground. Well, I don't love that cut. Shaking it off, I reset, waiting for the next toss as I hear Ryan start talking behind me. "Damn Yeli, I'd have thought hanging out with a Gold Medalist would've made you a better hitter." Ignoring him, I take the next pitch deep, feeling a lot better about it than I had the first one. "That's more like it. Maybe not having to lie anymore was the key."

Scoffing, I square up again, entertaining his response, "Never lied about anything, Brauny." Taking my next pitch, I send it out over the wall in center field. "Even if we weren't just friends, it's really no one else's business."

"Just friends don't hang out in each other's beds like that, Yeli," Jacob pipes in. So fucking obnoxious.

"Sure they do. You just need friends for that to happen first," I shoot back, obviously teasing.

"You've never hung out with me like that," Ryan comments as Jacob laughs.

Rolling my eyes, I take my next cut before responding, "I don't like you like that Brauny."

"So you admit that you like her," Ryan shoots back. The dude's going to give me as much shit as he can. Honestly, I wouldn't expect anything less from him.

"Yeli finally get a girl?" Lorenzo asks, joining in the conversation now. Ryan laughs, I'm sure glad that another person can get in on his banter.

"Jacob and I dropped in on him yesterday, and Jailyn James was in his bed," Ryan informs him as I finish my BP.

"In his bed?" Lo asks, his eyebrows raised a little, not sure what that implies.

"Jailyn wasn't feeling well and obviously is still dealing with her Achilles. I offered to hang out with her so I could help her out. She was great when I broke my knee, and I'm just trying to return that favor."

"Didn't you just say you haven't lied?" Ryan asks, obviously confused now, "How long have you known her if she was there for your knee?" Well, shit, I guess I forgot they didn't know that much.

"Don't you guys have something better to do than trying to get me to tell you about my non-existent relationship with JJ?" I ask.

"JJ, damn, Yeli's even got a nickname for her," Ryan says as the guys laugh at my eye roll. Of course, Ryan's the instigator here. "Yeli's got a crush," He teases, earning a scoff before he continues, "I'm not sure girls as into him as he's into her."

"Alright," I reply, the annoyance not as ignorable as it'd been for the rest of the conversation, "We're done with this conversation."


"Hey," I say, sitting up as Christian comes in the room, "Good game today."

Christian shrugs, "It was okay, but I can do better. That last pitch I took was pretty great. I shouldn't have let it go."

"It happens," I tell him, watching him as he sits in front of me. "You can't do everything all of the time. That's just how you get burnt out."

He shrugs, giving me a small smile, "How'd you get so smart?" I can't help but laugh at the minor hint of teasing there, "You feeling better?"

"Yeah, not like a hundred percent yet, but I'm fine."

"I'm glad to hear it," He tells me, resting his hand on my knee.

"How were the guys after last night?"

Christian all but groans at my question, "Annoying. Ryan wouldn't shut up about it, Jacob egged him on, and then that got Lo's attention. It might've slipped that we knew each other last year already."

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