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Stirring the pot of noodles I've got on the stove, I pop open the oven to check on our garlic bread. Shutting it again, I glance at Christian, who's watching me over his computer as he sits at our island. "You free the next two weeks?" He asks, a small smile pulling on the corners of his lips as my brow furrows.

"Probably," I reply before asking, "Why?"

"Because we're going on vacation," He says, now grinning as I'm still confused.

Chuckling, I shake my head, going into our fridge to grab our pasta sauce, "Oh yeah, where to?"

"Fiji?" He suggests. Smirking a little, I roll my eyes, definitely not opposed to the idea, more surprised than anything at the suggestion. "They've got a sea turtle sanctuary."

Tapping off the water from the spoon again, I laugh, "I mean, you didn't lose me at Fiji. You didn't have to try and bribe me with sea turtles."

"It's a pretty good bribe, though, right?" He laughs, still watching me as I strain the noodles.

Something tells me he knew my schedule enough that he's already booked the trip. "You've booked it all already, haven't you?" His innocent little shrug makes me laugh as I shake my head, turning to add the sauce to the pan before putting the noodles back in. "What if I said no, or if I was busy?"

"Then I'd be enjoying Fiji on my own," He jokes, "I did take the liberty of checking your schedule before booking everything. You're in the clear."

Stirring everything around, I shake my head. While I've never been one to shy away from impulsivity, this is new ground for us. "What time are we flying out?"

"3:30 p.m. We'll leave from LAX, fly to Sydney, have a little more than a two-hour layover there before flying to Nadi, and get transported from there to our part of the island."

"Our part of the island?" I question, knowing that it's probably a little steeper than I'd have considered for us, "Babe, how much does this cost?"

"Like .001 percent of one of our bank accounts," He teases, "Stop pretending we have to worry about money." Rolling my eyes, I continue finishing up our dinner. "Technically, you're not spending a dime, so it's free."

"Ha," I say sarcastically, looking at him again, a small smile on my face as I shake my head.

"Do you have a problem with this plan?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow at me, already knowing my answer.

"No," I reply, "However, can it be a little more of a discussion the next time rather than a, hey, we're leaving tomorrow for two weeks."

Christian laughs, nodding as he gets up to pull the bread out of the oven, noticing I'm done with the pasta, "Yeah, I can probably manage that."

It's already dark when we arrive at our villa. The beauty of Fiji and the parts of the island that I've seen so far have been astonishing. Everything on the island is warmly lit with seemingly the glow of lanterns in the twilight. Approaching the dock, I see the stone pathway leading from the wooden pier all the way up to the villa, warm yellow lights illuminating the way. 

Our skipper docks us, letting us know, "If you need anything, there is all hours transport around the island. Just call, and a boat should arrive shortly. Inside, there are daily schedules laid out for the extent of your stay. Mostly they've got meal times and different excursions you can choose to participate in. Mama is also set to visit every few days for laundry and to give you some insights into the island." 

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