God, I Missed You.

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"What time do you have to be at the field tomorrow?" I ask, before continuing, "Today, I guess actually."

Christian laughs, rubbing my arm as I lay with him on my couch while we watch 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' re-runs. Neither of us cares to go to bed, enjoying getting to spend time with one another. It's hard to think that it's been almost ten months since we actually got to spend time like this with each other. "Not until about two or three, Couns didn't think he was putting me in the starting line-up today. Which is why I don't really care about staying up with you." 

As I look up at him, I can't help the little grin I've got on my face. It's nice hearing him talk like that about me. Josh never did. "Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" 

Furrowing my eyebrows a little, I meet his eyes as they look softly into mine. "I don't know, probably." 

Christian chuckles, "Probably," he repeats, making me laugh at how cocky that almost sounded. "Well, you are." 

"Thank you," I tell him, smiling as his lips turn up slightly. Using his free hand, he brushes a chunk of my hair out of my face before resting his hand on the small of my back. It only rests a moment before he starts grazing it up and down gently until he lets it linger a little longer on my ass. Was he trying to gauge my reaction first? See if I told him to stop before going for my butt? 

"What?" He asks, his small smile on his face more playful than before. 

"That was a cute little move there," I comment, teasing slightly. "Brush my hair back, rest your hand before rubbing my back to get to my butt." Christians laugh makes me giggle, "When you moved your hand down, I was almost expecting it to go to my ass first." 

"C'mon, JJ, I'm not that forward," He jokes back, a cheeky grin on his face before he pinches my butt now. Rolling my eyes, I shake my head slightly, the smile still on my face. "I've missed your butt." The comment makes me all but howl with laughter over the innocence of the tone behind the words. Christian takes a full grab now, as I laugh, "Damn girl! I know it's been a while since I've gotten to touch it, but," Christian shakes his head, my giggles never stopping. "We shouldn't go another ten months without seeing each other. You'll get too hot for me."

"Shut up," I tell him, laughing as I bury my face in his chest. "I'm not sure that could happen. You being consistently one of the best in the game, now that, that keeps you just as hot as you think I'll be." 

"I don't know, your record-shattering season," Christian blows a little bit of air out of his pursed lips. "I've already told you how incredibly sexy that is," He adds, his hand roaming up and down on my butt, catching the lower hem of my shorts every so often. 

"That's true," I reply, pulling my hand up to play with his hair. With my motion Christian pulls me up higher on him, our faces now inches apart. "You could've started this, an hour or so, earlier, you know." 

"Nah," he says, shaking his head, "I like spending real time with you too. Not just sleeping with you." 

"Can't argue with you there," I reply, pulling him to me gently as I stretch up to him, pressing my lips to his for the first time in far too long. 

Locking my lips with his, his hands both roam my body slowly while mine lace into his hair. Both of us have been craving this for far too long. One of his hands finds its way to my chest and starts grabbing at it as we continue to make out. 

After a couple of minutes, Christian takes it on himself to switch our positions, so I'm underneath him. Semantically, it makes the most sense, given my boot. My leg ends up over the top of the couch as his lips press to mine again. One of his hands begins work between my legs before he rather quickly decides to discard my shorts and underwear to the side, both of us laughing as he has to get them around my boot. "That's going to be more inconvenient than I'd thought," Christian laughs before pulling his shirt off. Taking it upon myself, I pull my sports bra off for him leaving me naked under him. "We're not going ten months again," He says, ogling over me, "Not when you come back somehow even hotter than you already had been." Laughing, I roll my eyes before he leans down, kissing me again. 

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