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Much like the night we met, Christian's arms are wrapped tight around me as I wake up. Only this time, the minor twang of a headache starts behind my eyes. We may have pushed it with the drinks last night. Stretching as much as I can, given Christian's hold on me, a wave of nausea hits before passing nearly as quickly as it'd come. It's been a while since I've been hungover. I should probably puke just to get it out of my system.

Glancing around the now-familiar room, I run my hand through my hair before letting it fall on the bed again. Christian is probably going to be up any minute now. He's got a series starting today, so I can't imagine he's got too much time to hang out this morning. Taking a breath, another wave of nausea hits. Okay, I should get this out of my system.

Grabbing Christian's arm, I pull it off of me before getting up and heading to his bathroom. Yeah, I definitely need to get this out. Every move seems to make the once minor issue that much worse. Emptying the contents of my stomach into the toilet, all I can think is how we should've stopped during our karaoke session, not continue until we went to bed. Wiping my mouth, I grab my toothbrush out and brush my teeth quickly before heading back out.

When I get back out of the bathroom, Christian's awake, with a small shit-eating grin on his face. "Poor baby's hungover?"

"Shut up," I comment, chuckling, as I crawl back into bed with him. "It's just a headache now. I got the gross part out."

"I noticed," He teases, resting his hand on my hip, "Do you want me to grab you some ibuprofen or something?"

"It'd be nice," I reply, smiling a little. Christian chuckles as he gets up to head out to his kitchen. Sitting up, I glance at the nightstand and notice my phone isn't there. It's probably out by his couch still. Pushing my hair back, I start stretching out.

Christian comes back as I'm reaching for my feet, my phone in hand along with a bottle of water and the bottle of ibuprofen. "You're popular this morning," He comments, tossing the three items at me. I just let it all fall between my legs before grabbing the little pills and taking them with a drink of water. "What are you doing today, wanna come to Miami?"

Twisting the cap back onto the bottle, "I was actually thinking about getting into the gym today. See what Cathy is up to seeing as classes start up again in a week."

"Damn okay," Christian says, "It's not quite as fun without some chick flirting with me in the on-deck circle."

I can't help but laugh as I grab my phone, looking up at him, "There are plenty more games, in Milwaukee. I'm sure she'll be able to do that for you soon enough." My phone buzzes in my hand, pulling my attention. The amount of notifications I have is almost overwhelming as I look at them. There's a handful from Tyler and Kristen, along with phone calls from each of them. On top of those, though, are dozens more from some of my teammates from last season, people I feel like I've only met once, and even people whose number I don't even have saved. What the hell is going on?

'Kristen: Are you shitting me, Jailyn??? Why TF have you been lying to me?' What the fuck is she talking about? Scrolling to find Tyler's text, I figure he's the only person that's going to be helpful right now.

'Tyler: I really hope you and Yeli planned on posting that last night. Given the time it was posted, my guess it was more alcohol-induced than planned.' 

My heart falls to my feet as I read his text before rushing into Instagram. Christian's profile is the first that pops up in stories, and I click it immediately. "Holy fuck," I say, seeing the video of me and him from last night. "Uh, Yeli we've got a problem."

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