Just Friends, Huh?.

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"You know, you really don't have to do all of this, right?" I ask Christian as he helps adjust the pillows under my foot.

"Shut up," he says, laughing, apparently not liking my tone, "I'd have figured by now, you'd realize I'm going to take care of your sick and crippled ass." 

Scoffing, I shake my head with a smile, "Even trying to take care of me, you're an ass." 

Christians smirk, and the subtle roll of his eyes, makes me smile even more as he replies, "Only for you, JJ." 

"Oh my god, just admit you're in love with me already," I tease with a laugh, gaining an even more obvious eye roll from my best friend. 

"Gross, who'd want to be in love with you?" He teases back, making me gasp a little, not expecting the response to be that mean. "Oh, relax, I'm just giving you shit. You want me to grab you anything from the store?" 

"Surprise me, I guess. I don't really need anything."

"What do you want to eat?" Is the next question Christian has for me.  

Pondering that for a moment, I know he's not about to let me just say nothing, "Burger King chicken nuggets?" 

Christian lets a breath out of his nose as he shakes his head, "Why Burger King? Both Chic-Fil-A and McDonald's are closer."

"Chic-Fil-A still donates to homophobic organizations," I point out, "Get whatever Christian, it doesn't matter. Burger Kings are just the best, in my opinion." 

"Always have to be so difficult. Don't you, JJ?" Christian teases again.

"Hey, it's what I do," I tell him smiling as I watch him shake his head, a smile of his own firmly planted on his face. 

"Alright," He finally says, "Need anything before I go?" When I shake my head, he continues, "I'll be back in a bit. No promises on the Burger King front, though." Christian's smirk earns a small eye roll as he leaves his room, leaving me in his bed all alone. The dude might've had a point about my mattress, I'll give him that now as I find myself dozing off in seemingly no time. 

"JJ," is the next thing I hear while Christian nudges me awake, "Hey, I'm back, and I've got your chicken nuggets." As I'm burying my face in his pillow, I smile slightly, appreciating having him back. "You can go back to sleep after you eat. Hell, I'll even cuddle with you too." 

Chuckling as I stretch, I turn back to him and shake my head, "Oh yes, my driving force in life, cuddling with Christian Yelich." 

Christian has a cocky grin on his face as he looks at me, "Hey, there are plenty of people who would love the opportunity to cuddle with me." 

My scoff makes Christian chuckle, "That line won't work on me, Yeli. We're on the same level now." 

"Yeah, and I'm one of the many people who wants to cuddle with you right now," He replies making me laugh. "Here's your Burger King nuggets, princess." 

Taking the bag as he hands it to me, I furrow my eyebrows slightly, looking back up at him, "Princess?" Christian just shrugs at my questioning tone, as I'm not used to him calling me anything but JJ. "Thank you." 

Sitting up, I go into the bag to grab my food while Christian heads into his closet. About a minute later, coming back out in a pair of basketball shorts and a T-shirt. In times like this, it's almost impossible to believe this is my life and that I get to just hang out with him, let alone share a bed as he comes and sits next to me. As Christian sits back and gets comfortable, he holds his arms open to me. Furrowing my eyebrows a little, I question it before giving in and resting against him, letting him wrap his arm around me. For being just friends, this feels an awful lot like relationship territory.

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