I Found My Happy.

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"Alright," I say, looking at Christian from his passenger seat on the way to Miller Park, "As happy as I am about this," I point to my new accessory, "And you, it is still insane. Just because we're insane doesn't mean everyone else will be."

"I'm pretty sure a lot of them might be," Christian replies, chuckling before taking a hold of my hand, kissing the back of it. He doesn't let go, as he lets our hands rest on the center console. "But I'm okay with that. Give us a little bit of time to ourselves with it."

"Right," I reply with a smile, looking at our intertwined hands before back at him, "I love you."

"I love you too," He replies, a grin on his face as he glances at me.

"You know," I start off, "You've got to play one of the best games of your life today. I've got a reputation to uphold."

Christian lets out a loud laugh as he shakes his head, "I'll see what I can do."

"You better," I add, "Your numbers aren't as hot as Milwaukee's used to this season. I'm banking on that being the parasites fault."

"It's possible," He tells me, the smile not leaving his face. As much as I needed the time apart from him, I'm glad that I have him back.

The two of us walk into Miller Park together, Christian's arm wrapped around my shoulders as mine's around his waist. "Well, I gotta say Yeli, this is a much better look on you," Lo comments, greeting Christian and me with a massive grin. "It's about time the two of you got back together." Jenny's obviously trying not to laugh as she's smirking at me. I can't help it when I laugh, noticing her.

"I know," Christian says, squeezing me a little as we head into the clubhouse more.

"It's about damn time," Larissa says, immediately spotting us, making the four of us laugh, along with anyone else who noticed right away. "We've definitely got to celebrate now."

"You guys are more excited about this than we are," I joke back, getting a few laughs, "We're not really going public yet, so this has to stay in here."

Everyone seems to understand, and a little bit of conversation follows before the guys have to get ready for the game. The rest of the WAGs and I head up to our suite, beating doors open.

All of us get settled, watching the pregame shows on the TV while making small talk before it finally comes up as we wait for the game to start.

"Alright, so how'd it go down? Obviously, Shelby was here yesterday, so what happened?" Larissa asks, grabbing one of my fries.

"Honestly," I tell her, "I don't actually know. This morning I woke up to the two of them absolutely screaming at each other. She left, then Christian let himself in my room, we talked for a while, and now we're here."

"Did you talk about why they were screaming at each other?" Jenny asks.

Shaking my head, I reply, "Not really." Pushing my left hand through my hair, I continue to talk, "I mean, we both called her a parasite and agreed tha-"

"Jailyn James, what the fuck is this?" Larissa says, grabbing my hand rather aggressively as she catches the ring on my finger. Well, that secret lasted long.

"Funny story," I start, laughing as all the girls look dumbfounded, "Christian and I are both apparently insane."

"Yeah, no shit," Erin laughs, eyeing the ring.

"He's got good taste, though. It's gorgeous," Larissa says, letting go of my hand.

Laughing, I nod, "Your husband helped, so did Moose last year when Christian and I were dating."

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