Pyramid Schemes.

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"So, this is a first for us here on Starting Nine. We're joined with not only the World Series MVP of my Milwaukee Brewers, Christian Yelich, but also this year's All Olympic Softball MVP and gold medalist, Jailyn James. The two of them also happen to be roommates while they're both in Milwaukee," Jared explains, introing us for his podcast with Barstool. This was a better idea when we'd agreed to it, you know, when Christian and I were actually speaking to each other. "Let's get that out of the way first; how did you two decide that you were going to move in with each other? Because you guys aren't dating, right?" 

"Right," Christian confirms, "It was mostly just both of us agreeing that it doesn't make sense for both of us to be paying rent when neither of us are home half the year. So far, we've only really been roommates for like two months, given both of our schedules and me coming back here or Arizona for the off-season." 

"When did you guys officially move in?" Dallas asks. 

"October," I reply, "So about seven months ago now." 

"How long did you two know each other before coming to that decision?" Jared asks, "Just so there's some context as to why you both are on today more than just you both being arguably the best players in your fields."

Christian glances at me a moment before taking the question. We'd never really talked about what we were supposed to answer now, especially since we're not tip-toeing around the NCAA rules. "In like a month, it'll be two years since we met," Raising my eyebrows, I go along with it, not sure why he's admitting to that now. "I'd had a game against the Rockies on like a Tuesday and went out to this dinky little bar her friend works at, and she happened to be there. JJ offered to buy me a drink, and we got to talking, and we've been friends ever since." 

"Two years ago?" Dallas asks, "Wouldn't you have been like nineteen?" 

Scoffing, I shake my head, "I had like just turned twenty, but I'd had a pretty good fake. And like Christian said, one of my friends worked at the bar." 

"Alright, another follow-up, was that you in that Instagram video then?" Jared asks next. They're really going in on us already, huh? "And if it was, why did you guys deny it?" 

"When it was posted, I was still under the NCAA contract," I explain, "I was going to get suspended for a couple of games if we didn't. That and people we're being assholes online about it. I'm not sure if that's because of me being twenty at the time, or if it was because I was basically irrelevant at the time. Now no one seems to care. People are just weird." 

"Well yeah, now you're one of the greatest athletes of all time after one year in the sport," Dallas points out, "Do you have any idea what your numbers are for last season?" 

"I'm not sure on all of them, but I had forty-three homers, and my season batting average was a  .764. There was only one time where I struck out. Every other time I got out was off of contact. Then in the actual Olympics, I had a .857 average with three homers," I list off, those are the only stats I really cared about. 

"Are you even human?" Dallas asks, "Your boy over here had forty-four in his best season, and that's what ninety more games?" 

"Yeah, my season last year was seventy-two games," I reply, "Also probably shouldn't call him my boy; his girlfriend might get mad." My subtle banter gets all three of the guy's attention at the revelation of the reigning MVP's new girl. 

"You've got a girlfriend?" Jared asks Christian, "Since when?" 

Christian shrugs, his demeanor switched a little, almost annoyed that I brought it up, "A little while now, it's nothing serious where I was about to talk about it." 

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