I Was Due.

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"Hey, where were you that you couldn't answer your phone?" Christian asks as I get into our kitchen, arms full of groceries. Setting all of the bags on our island to put away, I shrug, "Are there any more for me to grab?"

"No, I've got 'em all," I reply, "I went to the gym, met up with Tyler and Dylan for lunch, went for a drive, and then went grocery shopping before coming back here." My tone was a lot flatter than I'd intended it, but whatever.

"Are you mad at me or something?" Christian asks, standing at the space between the end of the island and the edge of our fridge.

"Do I have a reason to be mad at you?" I aks, making eye contact with him for the first time.

"I don't know, not one that I think you should have anyway. Can you let me know if you do?"

"No," I say, with a small shake of my head while I put some pasta away in our pantry, "I'm not mad at you." Myself, more than anything.

"Then what's up?" He asks, trying to wrap his arms around me while I continue to put our groceries away. Moving past him, I grab something out of the furthest bag to put away, dodging the contact from Christian. "Seriously, if I did something, can you just tell me so I can fix it?"

"Christian, there's nothing for you to fix," I snap, "I hate to break this to you, but my world doesn't revolve around you. I'm stressed and not really in the mood to deal with anything besides putting our groceries away right now."

"Jeez, JJ, damn," He replies, seemingly annoyed going on the defensive now, "I never said that it did. You were just being short with me and ignoring me which, isn't something you've done before. Sorry for trying to make sure I didn't do anything. You know where to find me if you want to talk about shit."

Scoffing, I watch him leave the kitchen before mumbling to myself, "Right, like talking does us good." Rolling my eyes, I continue putting our groceries away before heading up to my room. This is so obnoxious, but what can I do about it.

Laying in bed, I continue typing out my paper, ignoring Christian as he lets himself into my room. Glancing down at the time, I notice it's about nine pm. Rolling my eyes, I continue focusing on my work while Christian makes himself comfortable in my bed next to me. He doesn't say a word, just continues to lounge out, scrolling on his phone.

"Alright, why are you in here when you can scroll Instagram in your own bed?" I ask. He just shrugs and continues scrolling, "You know you're allowed to talk, right? I've cooled off and am sort of over my issues from before." Christian just nods. God, that's even more annoying, "Okay, the silent treatment is better suited in your own room, not distracting me from the next two thousand words I have due."

"Fine," Christian says, "You win."

"What do you mean, I win?" I ask. What's his angle, now?

"I couldn't hold onto my silent treatment, you win," He tells me, getting a small eye roll back, "Are you going to let me know what was up earlier?" 

"It's not important," I tell him, "Don't worry about it." It'd be nice if I could take my own advice here. 

"You sure?" he asks.

"Yeah, I can't do anything about it. No more than I have already done anyway.  So since I can't fix it, I'm letting it be," I tell him, sighing as I look at his stupid face with a stupid small smile resting on it. Why did I have to be the one to catch actual feelings?

"Okay," he replies, giving me a smile as he leans back on my headboard while I continue typing on my laptop. "You know, this has always been my favorite look on you." 

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