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Wobbling slightly on my 6'4 boyfriend's shoulders, I can't help but scream a little. While I'm not one who's scared of heights, the lack of stability of me being up here is a bit daunting. "Christian, I swear to god," I all but yell at him, attempting to put the star on top of our living room tree. 

"JJ, I've got you," He laughs. His whole body shakes, making me grab his hair with my free hand, "I've seen your abs, use them."  

"I'd hit you if I wasn't actually terrified right now," I tell him laughing a little before I wobble some more, very quickly cutting my own laughter off.  

Alecia has just been observing this whole time, laughing as the two of us try to replace the tree topper that had fallen at some point since we had someone decorate for us. "You two are something else," she comments, clearly amused by all of this. 

When I successfully get the star on top of the tree, I hold my hands near it, making sure that it's stable and we don't have to worry about it falling off again. One broken topper is enough for our first Christmas together. 

"Holy fuck. Oh my god," I say quickly as Christian starts moving again. "Christ-" I say before cutting myself off as I try and maintain my balance, "Oh my god, tell me when you're moving!"

"Mom, can you move a minute," He says, making my eyes go wide as she gets up off our couch.

"No, no, no, no, no," I say quickly, "Babe, no please, I swear to god Christian, stop!" My slight yelling is futile as seconds later, he all but throws me off of him onto our couch. My small scream makes him laugh even harder. Alecia just shakes her head, a smile planted on her face. Glaring at Christian, I tell him, "Next year, we're getting a fucking ladder." 

"You're fine, aren't you?" Christian asks, lifting my feet up and sitting under them as I'm still laid out on the couch. 

"You're fine, aren't you?" I mimic, still glaring at him as he continues to laugh. 

My phone buzzes in the pocket of my sweats, pulling me from my little stare-down of Christian. Checking the notification, I see that Alecia tagged me, and I'd assume Christian, in a post. Opening it, I can't help but smile, seeing the picture of me on Christian's shoulders putting the star on the tree. As terrifying as it was, the picture is very cute. Liking the post, I comment, "Not pictured is me being terrified or Christian finding it funnier than he should." Alecia laughs, looking at her phone as the notification that she liked my comment pops up. Alecia Yelich, the only person allowed to post pictures of me and Christian together. 

It's no surprise when I open the door that my grandparents are the first people here. Hugging them both, I get to officially introduce them to Christian. "This is Christian," I introduce, "And this is my grandma Sofie and my grandpa Ken." My grandma hugs Christian before my grandpa and him exchange a handshake, "Then Christian's mom Alecia is in the kitchen, I think if we wanna head in there." Leading the way, I'm interrupted as the doorbell rings again. 

Stepping away, I head back to the door and open it for my dad, step-mom, and step-sister, "Hey! Merry Christmas," I greet, hugging my dad and step-mom, "Grandma and Grandpa just got here. I'm sure they're already talking Christian and Alecia's ears off in the kitchen."

"So we've already got to save him, huh?" my dad asks, making me laugh a little.

"I'm sure they're fine," I reply, hanging a coat on the coat rack, "Just be normal. He's my boyfriend, not some superstar MVP, okay?" 

My dad chuckles, "You're so cute being so worried about it." Scoffing, I shake my head as I lead the way to the kitchen and dining room. 

"Dad, Katie, Ally," I start, "You've all met Alecia already, but this is Christian." All of them greet each other. Katie and Ally both hug Alecia and Christian while My dad and Christian exchange a handshake. This is either going to go incredibly well, or it'll be incredibly weird. I'm hoping for the former. 

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