You've Picked Some Real Winners, Yeli.

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"You know," I comment to Dr.Collins as he takes the boot off for the last time, "I'm going to miss that thing just for the feeling of it getting taken off." 

He laughs with a small shake of his head, "That's actually pretty common. No Yeli today?"

"Nah, he was picking his mom up from the airport before he had to get to the game. The goal was to be back at about the same time so he could at least introduce us, but we'll see. Me and her, are going to look at the house Christian and I liked today." 

"You guys are moving in together?" Dr.Collins asks, setting the boot to the side as he starts rotating my foot, gently stretching out my ankle.

"Yeah," I reply, "We figured neither of us is home most of the time in season. At least if we live together, there's some chance one of us will be home." 

"That makes sense," He tells me, as I continue watching as he works out the freshly repaired tendon as I ignore the minor twang of pain the comes with the dorsiflexion. The pain being no more than poking at a bruise is a huge step away from where it was at the beginning of this whole process. 

PT mostly consisted of stretching things out and making sure I can walk around without the threat it just giving out again. Walking without the boot is an absolute trip but incredibly welcomed as I feel like I can actually move again. Running is still out of the question but being able to walk completely on my own is a huge success. 

After declining to take the boot home with me, Dr.Collins gives me the all-clear for walking and light activity before sending me home. There's an incredible omen in the air as I get into my car, everything seems to be right on track, and it just feels like good things are coming.  

Taking a breath, the warm smell of fresh cookies fills the air as I open the door to Christian's apartment. I know damn well that's not Christian's doing. Heading into the kitchen, Christian's eyes find me immediately, "Let's see that bootless foot." Laughing, I point my foot out, still adorned with the fresh pair of Adidas Ultraboosts. "Damn JJ, okay, work it." 

Laughing, I dance my freshly released foot a little before planting it back down, "Alright, introduce me to your mom first. I feel rude." 

"Mom, this is Jailyn," Christian says, chuckling, "Jailyn, this is my mom Alecia." Alecia and I hug to greet each other, finally getting to officially meet. 

"Oh my goodness, it's so nice to finally meet you," She tells me, hugging me tightly. "You're even prettier in person."

"Thank you. I could say the same!" I reply, "It smells amazing in here." 

"Thank you," She says pulling away, "I figured since my son doesn't cook, let alone bake, I could get a little use out of this kitchen. That, and I miss being able to cook for my boys." 

She offers the tray of fresh cookies to me. Taking one,  I grab a bite, "You wanna move in with us? These are incredible." 

Both Alecia and Christian laugh, "Alright, JJ, no need to suck up. She already likes you enough." 

Rolling my eyes, I just shake my head before Alecia scolds, "Be nice." 

"How come you like her so much, but not any of the other girls I've had you meet?" Christian asks, chuckling seeming almost shocked by how 

The head shake, and eye-roll Christian receives, makes me laugh, "Because she's nice and normal. She's got her own success and isn't trying to feed off of yours. She's not a cleat chaser, as you'd say." 

"Christian and I discussed it," I interject before Christian can reply, "He's the cleat chaser in our relationship." 

Alecia's laugh makes me smile as she adds, "See, and she's not afraid to give you shit. Half of the girls you've brought around are either too intimidated by your status to have their own personality or just plain slutty." Closing my eyes, I hold back my laugh at the subtle call-out. I already love this woman so damn much. 

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