Who's Christian?.

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"Hey, I just got home. Feel free to stop over! :)" I text Josh almost as soon as I get into my apartment. Tossing my keys on my kitchen counter, I prop my suitcase up against the wall. It's been almost three months since Josh and I started dating. I can wait to unpack until after I get to spend some time with him for the first time in almost a month. Tossing my phone onto my couch, I pull the hair tie out and fluff my hair as I go into my fridge. Why am I even looking in here as if I have groceries? It's not like I've been in Florida for the last month or anything. Almost as soon as the door shuts, I hear my facetime start going off.

Checking the caller, I see it's Christian, "Hey!"

"Hey, what are you up to?" He asks, smiling.

"Nothing, I just got home about five minutes ago. We had our first eighteen games down in Florida," I explain, sitting on my couch to talk to my friend.

"How many days off do you have now?" He asks.

"Technically twelve," I answer, "Realistically, about eight before we're heading to California."

"Damn, we just miss each other, don't we?" He asks.

Do we? "I'm not sure. Don't you head to spring training later than most? Our first game in Cali is March 8th."

"Where's that game? I'm heading earlier this year, but, right now, the plan is that I'm heading down the thirteenth."

"Irvine, we've got a doubleheader on the eighth against Cal State San Marcos and then UC San Diego. After that, on the tenth, we're going to San Diego for another doubleheader against CSUN and San Diego State."

"Damn," Christian says, pursing his lips to the side, "That's still two hours from me. I'm not sure that I'd be able to swing it this close to spring training."

Shaking my head, "That's fine. There wasn't any expectation for you to be there, especially since we still don't know each other."

Christian laughs nodding, "I know, but it'd be fun to actually see you play. You're making some crazy waves already with your stat line in the first eighteen games."

"Yeah," I comment quietly, "I'm just trying to not suck."

Christians laugh as he shakes his head makes me smile. "JJ, I think you've been doing a lot more than just not sucking. You've already got ten home runs eighteen games into your season. That's a lot more than just not sucking."

"This whole thing is just crazy to me. Four months ago, I wasn't sure if I was even ready for this. Now I'm only six months out of the Olympics with a .800 something batting average over eighteen games."

"Are you even human?" Christian asks, making me laugh now, "You got any crazy endorsements coming your way yet?"

"Not really, I've had a couple offers, but I've never had any interest in their stuff. I'd feel fake if I took it."

"You're waiting for that McDonald's gig, aren't you? Hoping for chicken nuggets for life."

"Ha," I say, fake laughing as I shake my head, "No, I don't know that I'd want to endorse them either, as much as I love McNuggets. That's not really a look I'm interested in."

"That's fair," Christian comments. Neither of us says anything for a moment before Christian speaks again, "How's Jake or whatever?"

"Josh," I correct, rolling my eyes, "Is fine. He's probably stopping over shortly here. He's been good, we haven't seen each other in about a month, but I think things are going okay. There's not really anything else I can say about it."

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