Title Of Your Sex Tape.

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"Jai, I'm throwing you in at first," Ken calls out, looking through our lineup for the first game of our last series. "Seeing as our seed is already set for both the Japan Cup and the World Softball Series, we can let our alternates get a few reps in the outfield. It'll be good for you to get some reps in at first, too." 

"Sounds good to me," I tell him, grabbing a ball from the bucket and jogging out to the field, taking my position at first, throwing a few grounders around the infield. It's been a minute since I've gotten to get reps in at first in a game, so this is exciting. 

Going two for two so far at the plate, we take the field for the bottom of the fifth inning to take our normal warm-up in between innings. Glancing around as I go through the motions, I catch the Japan coach looking in my direction as she talks to her batters getting ready to take the plate. Whatever, when you've got a homer and a triple in a game, the other team is going to talk. 

As their first batter steps up to the plate, I swear I catch her eyeing me before getting into her stance. Something's up. Glancing to Carly at short, she seems to be locked in, paying no mind to my casual glance in her direction. There's really only one way to know if there's actually something up. 

With a one and one count, the batter sends an easy grounder to Carly. Catching her throw, she's called out, getting a few cheers from the girls as I throw the ball back to Monica. Everyone gets set again as their second batter of this inning takes the plate. Once again, I catch her glancing at me as she holds her hand up for time while getting set. The fact their coach nodded when her attention was pulled from me and brought to him doesn't reassure me. This time when I look at Carly, she seems to have noticed the same thing, as her brows are furrowed looking between the two of us. When I shrug back, Carly nods, locking back into the game. 

The very first pitch the batter sees, she lines straight into Erin at third. Erin fields it beautifully as I get my foot on one, ready for her to make the throw. As the ball hits the leather of my glove, there's only seconds that pass before my heel is stomped down on, and I'm essentially tackled to the ground. Holy shit.

Gasping as the wind is knocked out of me, I'm taken off guard by the impact. Shoving the girl off of me, she stands up, and from what I notice, is ejected. Monica and Cam are the first over to me, making sure I'm okay. Carly isn't too far behind when I sit up. Did that shit really just happen? There was no chance that was just a bitch getting pissed off, that was premeditated, and that pisses me off even more than the fact there's no chance Ken doesn't pull me. 

Taking my time, I sit for a moment catching my breath before finally holding my hand up so whoever can help me stand up again. Getting back to my feet, I walk it off, feeling a dull pain in the back of my heel. God fucking damn it. 

Ken's hand is on my shoulder as I'm assessing where my body is at, "Are you okay?" 

"I'm fucking great," I reply, pissed that this just happened. Flexing my foot around, I shake my head, absolutely fuming. "This whole inning, the coach had been looking at me, both of the batters had been as well. Carly noticed it when the bitch took the plate," I call out, not sure what the hell to do right now. "It's a fucking cheap as fuck shot. If they're pulling this shit, I can only imagine I'm getting drilled by pitches the rest of the game." 

"Do you one hundred percent believe it was planned out?" Ken asks, almost shocked by my statement. When I nod, he calls out, "Hey blue!" When the umpire joins us, Ken asks, "Can you take a look at the at-bats again and warm-ups? That wasn't an accidental hit." 

"Ken, we already ejected her." 

"I know," Ken replies, "Jailyn saw the coach and previous batter do the same thing."

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