I'll Let You Win This One.

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Walking into the restaurant, Christian's hand never leaves mine. Holding the door for me, he ushers me in, his hand resting on the small of my back as we meet with the hostess. "Reservation for Yelich?" Christian asks. When the hostess looks at the book, Christian smiles at me quickly before we're escorted back through the restaurant. 

With our hands intertwined, we make our way through to the back, passing by the gawking eyes. I suppose that'll happen when you're with the World Series MVP who just brought Milwaukee their first title. As we're escorted into a private room, Christian pulls out my chair and helps me with my jacket while the hostess sets our Menus at the table. 

Fixing the strap on my satin dress, I grab the menu and start glancing it over. Noticing the prices, my first thought is, what are we doing here? One meal covers a third of my rent, but then I remember, neither one of us has to really worry about prices. That's something I'll have to figure out how to get used to, especially dating Christian. Glancing up at him, I notice him looking at me, "What?" 

"Nothing," He says, a small shake of his head following before looking back down for a second before back up with a smile. "You're just really pretty." 

Scoffing, I shake my head with a subtle roll of my eyes, "Thank you." 

"Anytime," He replies, chuckling as he looks back at his menu. 

After a few moments, our waiter approaches our table. "How are you guys doing? My name is Colton, and I'll be your server tonight. As requested, I've brought out a bottle of our Moscato," He starts off, while pouring out our first glasses before setting the bottle on the table. "Are you two ready to order, or would you like a few more minutes?" 

"JJ?" Christian asks, looking to me to answer.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I say, glancing back down to my menu, "I'll do the grilled chicken and asparagus." 

Colton writes my order down before looking to Christian, "And for you?" 

"I'll just do the Salmon," Christian replies before taking my menu and stacking it with his to hand back. 

Colton finishes writing as he takes the menus, "I'll get that in." Nodding, we watch a moment as Colton heads back out. 

"When'd you get that dress?" Christian asks, grabbing a piece of bread from the basket.

Looking down at the red satin, I shrug, "Honestly, I've got no clue," I chuckle, "I swear every new city we needed to dress up for something, so my collection grew pretty quick."

"I like it," He tells me as I grab my glass of wine and take a sip. "Better than the three-dollar stuff you get at the gas station?" 

Holding in my laugh, I swallow as I shake my head, "That's really only bought for the convenience. But yes, this is very, very good. Given the other prices on the menu, I'd hope this was significantly better than that." 

"Right," He agrees, taking a sip himself. "Have you heard anything more about your deals?"

"Yeah, I'll actually be in LA about a week after you get back to California," I tell him. Turning his head to the side, he seems a little surprised. "Adidas is based out there, and they want me to come out to sign the contract and start working on the first campaign. So, I'm not sure how much free time I'll have while I'm out there. Especially since the week after that, I have to go to Portland to start working with DeMarini." 

"Sounds like you're not getting much of an off-season," He jokes.

"Well, it's more or less we just don't get an off-season that lines up," I point out, "That, and I was crippled the first three months of my off-season. If you don't recall." 

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