Uncharted Territory.

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Two Months Later

"So, like, why baseball?" I ask, sipping on the tea he'd offered me since I don't drink coffee.

Christian shrugs, "It's just what stuck, I guess. I played football and basketball too. Baseball is just what stuck with me." 

"I see," I respond with a slight nod, looking over him as we lounge in his living room after another very fun night.

"Why marketing?" 

I shrug, "Initially, I was going into nursing. So I pursued that in high school, then I ended up failing out of the CNA course, which was a requirement. That sort of put it into perspective that it was something I was told I should do rather than something I was actually passionate about. Then my uncle's sister-in-law is a professor at some school. She basically helps direct you to a path that you'd enjoy, I guess. She made me take a personality test and was just like you'd hate business management, which was my next option. Then she saw they offered Social Media Marketing at the school I'm enrolled in, and it bloomed from there." 

"Interesting," Christian responds, "What about sports? You go to the gym and are incredibly fit. Did you partake in anything?"

"I actually had a few softball scholarships that I sort of let go to waste. I made the team as a walk-on though this past year. So it's going pretty well, I guess." 

"I should've expected softball given your ass," He teases with a smirk; I just roll my eyes. "What about high school?"

"I played basketball and lettered in football when I was a sophomore." 


"I'm being serious," I say, laughing at his blatant disbelief. 

"What position did you play?"


"I hate you," He responds, laughing. "What about basketball?"

"I played that until the end of sophomore year. Five-nine is kind of tall for a girl, so I was a post," I respond. "I never liked it too much, so I just stopped then. Then I did softball, basketball, volleyball, track, and cheer all throughout grade school." 

"Woah, five sport athlete." 

"It was at a Jesus school; it hardly counts." 

Christian snorts at my comment, "A lot of good that Jesus school did you, huh?"

"What are you talking about? I am a child of God." 

"Mhm," he says, rolling his eyes, "Didn't seem like it last night." Shrugging a little, I try to keep a straight face as I look at him. Neither one of us holds very well as we both laugh at the comment.

"What position do you play in softball?" 

"Mostly outfield, occasionally first or third though if needed. In high school, I was more or less a utility player. I'm pretty sure the only position I didn't play, at least once, in-game was pitcher. Freshman year was the best. We had a good coach who had me playing at first, which I loved. We'd only lost maybe, three games that season, and I think there was only one game that I didn't play. Sophomore year was when I was moved into more of that utility player position. Our coach had no clue what she was doing and was throwing me in pretty much anywhere we needed a body. She'd even had me catch once, which was something," I chuckle, shaking my head. "I think we won like three games that whole season. I didn't get to play much, either. Junior year was better. I was more consistently in the outfield. Occasionally, if someone got hurt, I'd be moved into whatever position. I didn't get a ton of playing time, though, again. Senior year was kind of the same. Only I had more personal shit that got in the way, and I actually quit mid-season."

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