Dollar Store Sl*t.

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Glancing at the time on my phone, it's about nine am. At least I'd gotten some sleep after last night. Setting it back down, I stretch out, reaching my arms forward and pointing my toes. As much as I'd like to, I can't waste the day in bed. Getting up, I shove my phone into the pocket of my hoodie I'd thrown on last night after what had ended up being a cold shower. 

Heading to the bathroom, it only takes about two steps for my foot to hit the still soaked pile of fabric on the floor. Well, I was going to do laundry anyway. Finishing up, I grab the wet pile of clothes and start heading down to our laundry room. Maybe if I'm lucky, I can get this done without seeing Christian. 

That would be lucky, especially if I didn't walk out of my room pretty much directly into him. "What the hell are you carrying that's soaking wet?" 

"Is the laundry empty?" I ask, as short as I can be, not bothering to look at him right now. 

"It should be," He tells me, not really sure how to take my attitude right now. Brushing past him, I jog downstairs, ignoring the fact he's following me. Tossing my stuff into the laundry machine, I turn back and notice Christian hovering in the doorway. What the hell is his deal right now? Brushing past him again, I head back towards the stairs to grab my laundry basket. 

About halfway up, my annoyance gets the best of me as I turn and snap at him, "What the hell do you need that you're following me like a puppy? Because I'll be honest, it's pissing me off more than anything right now."

"We need to talk," Christian says, seemingly upset or almost hurt over whatever I don't really know. 

"Okay?" I reply, rolling my eyes. "We can literally do that any time. You don't need to be up my ass constantly to talk to me. I'll be down in a second. I'm trying to do laundry right now." 

"Promise we can talk?" 

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Just quit being so glued to me it's annoying," I cut back, turning back around and heading back upstairs. God only knows what he's got to say now. 

Getting back into my bathroom, I grab my laundry basket and head back down. In theory, I should've just brought everything down at once, but hey, this kills more time. Heading down again, I toss everything into our laundry machine before tossing a couple of laundry pods in. Shutting the lid, I hit start and head back out.

Christian is in the kitchen when I get in, "You want to talk, then talk." My tone is still as harsh as it'd been, and I still refuse to really look at him as I grab out our milk and the chai latte mix. 

"JJ, I'm sorry," He tells me, as I pour out the mix, "I never wanted you to feel like it was ever just sex between us. Believe me, I know how it looks, but that was never my intention, and I'm sorry." 

"Okay?" I ask, putting my stuff away. 

"I don't know what you want me to say here, JJ." 

"Well, I don't know either," I tell him, finally looking at him as I lean against the counter, "I thought I knew a lot of things and that I had a good understanding of our relationship, but clearly, I was wrong. Besides, you head back to California in a few days. You said that yourself, so it literally doesn't matter anymore." 

"What?" Christian asks, confused, "I didn't mean we were supposed to stop being friends with each other or cool with each other. 

Shaking my head, he doesn't fucking get it, "Well, you don't want a relationship with me, which is fine, but you still want me to sleep with you?" I ask as everything floods in, and I can't help but get more and more pissed. "I can deal with you not wanting to be in a relationship with me. I can deal with us being just friends or even friends with benefits. What I can't deal with, though, is the line continuously being crossed. You don't get to sit there and hold my hand while we're driving, if we're just friends. You don't get to sit and cuddle with me anytime we're watching TV, if we're just friends. You don't get to sit there and kiss my head while we're cuddling, if we're just friends. You especially don't get to physically pull me away from a guy at a club and get pissed at me for dancing with him if we're just friends. Sure, this shit worked well for a while, but the line got crossed, and it hasn't felt like just friends to me pretty much ever since I got back from Tokyo. Maybe it was you ripping me away from the dude in the club just to fuck me in the bathroom, or maybe it was you telling me you were in love with me that same night." 

"You've put your feelings out there, and I respect it, but damn, does it hurt knowing that once again I'm in love with some jackass that doesn't love me back." How do you even control your emotions at this point as you're telling your feelings and frustrations all at once? Telling might be a nicer term for what I'm actually doing, as I've been crying since I called him out for crossing the just friends' line. "God forbid we stop sleeping with each other, though. No, why would we want to figure out how to untangle the mess of what we've created here so I can catch my fucking breath. Look, I get you're used to this MVP lifestyle where girls are throwing themselves at you, ready to do and be whatever the hell you want of them. Believe me, I get it, but I'm not some dollar store slut that wants to fuck you for the bragging rights." 

Christian looks almost stunned by my outburst. This is going to be a shitty fucking day if this is how things are going at nine-thirty am. "Christian, I get if you're not into me. I can't do shit about that. But seeing how adamant you were about it," I shake my head, "I just feel used, like I've been strung along for the last few months, and it's been absolute bull shit, and I'm not interested in continuing to go along with it." 

Christian looks at me for a few moments, several times looking like he's going to say something before he stops himself. Rolling my eyes, I grab my latte and start heading back out, "Clearly, this was a waste of time. If you figure out a response, save it. Besides, you're heading back to California," My mimicking hopefully coming out as harsh as I'd intended. 

As I walk past him to go back upstairs, Christian grabs my free hand gently, "JJ, wait." 

"What?" I ask as I turn back to him, making sure he was able to catch my eye roll. Before I can make any of the other bitchy jabs I might want to, he holds my face in his hands as he pushes his lips to mine. Furrowing my eyebrows, I'm stunned a moment, not expecting this. Especially not after my blow-up just moments ago. Going with it, I kiss him back, knowing he means this. 

When he pulls away, he uses his thumbs to wipe the tears from my face. "JJ, I may be heading back to California, but I'm not going anywhere." 

"Okay," Is all I can think of to say before I set my glass on the island so I can kiss him again. 

"So," Christain says quietly, as he brushes my hair out of my face, "Does this mean there's no more space between girl and friend?" 

Chuckling, I smile, "Do you want to get rid of the space?" 

"Yeah," he confirms, with a smile looking from my eyes back down to my lips before kissing me again.  Maybe today isn't going to be as rough as it looked five minutes ago.

Christian and I spend the day vegging out, watching TV with each other, enjoying our new relationship status. Nothing's really changed between us other than there's clarity in knowing what we are. That, and I don't have to be in my head wondering what the hell he's doing when he crosses those 'Just Friends' lines. "Wanna go out tonight?" Christian asks, "Dress up nice. I'll take you on a real date."  

"How fancy are you thinking?" I ask, thinking about what to wear. 

"Not like a ballgown, obviously," He jokes, "Nice cocktail attire, though." 

Nodding, I stand up, "You better be dressing up too."

Christian laughs, his smile making me grin, "Of course. Can't look like a scrub next to you, even though it's pretty hard not to." Rolling my eyes, I just smile and offer him a hand to help him up, not that he needs it. 

Heading upstairs, Christian is right behind me, only this time a lot more welcomed as compared to this morning. When we get to my room, Christian grabs my butt, stopping me a moment making me turn to him. He takes the opportunity to kiss me again. 

Smiling as we pull away, Christian takes the chance to say, "I love you." 

Grinning, I reply, "I love you too." 

The two of us share the sentiment, knowing it means a little bit more now than it had before. We've always loved each other, but being in a relationship officially gives it that much more meaning. 

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