Fair Point, Christian Yelich.

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Scanning the room as I dance with Carly and Maddy, I look for Christian, ready to get out of here if he is. While I don't find him right away, I do find another tray of shots. Grabbing one for all three of us, I take mine, conveniently making eye contact with Christian as I do. I'm already drunk, and there's also a lot going on where I'm not really interested in staying. Glancing back to Christian, he's laughing with a couple of guys who I can't quite pick out right now. "I think I'mma convince Christian to leave with me," I announce to my two friends, "I'll see you tomorrow or whenever we're leaving again." Both of them share a look before nodding, dancing with each other.

Grabbing my dress, I hold it up as I push through the crowd, my drink held high in my other hand. These heels also need to come off. If only I had a free hand. Oh well. Continuing on, I finally make it to Christian's group, "Hold this," I command him quickly, handing him my drink. He's got nearly no time to grab it before I let it go and immediately slip out of my shoes. "Thanks," I tell him, taking my drink back now that I'm not holding onto my dress.

"Good to see you too, JJ," Christian tells me, flashing his gorgeous smile that I'm absolutely in love with as he puts his arm around my shoulders. "What's up?"

Shaking my head, a small smirk plays on my lips as I bite onto the little cocktail straw that's in my drink, "No balls, you leave with me right now." The chorus of ooh's from his buddies as they hype the two of us up shows their assumption that we're hooking up. As much as I'd like to, he'd never while I'm this drunk, and he's seemingly completely sober.

"You say that as if I'd ever say no," Christian laughs before addressing his friends, "I'll see you guys later. If Shelby comes back around looking for me, tell her whatever you want." If I was sober, I'd have withheld my scoff and eye roll at the mention of his girlfriend's name.

Christian figures out a ride back to the hotel as we sit outside the venue for the afterparty. We're around back on the curb trying to avoid any paparazzi who might try and spin this on us. "Never pegged you as one to leave a party early."

"Really?" I ask, looking up at him from where I'm sat on the curb. Sitting is the only way to stop the world from spinning at this moment, "I'm incredibly drunk right now, if you cant tell. As much as I'm trying to fake it, I don't know how it's working."

Christian chuckles as our ride pulls up. Offering me a hand, he helps me up, escorting me to the car. "You're doing okay," He comments, "I can tell, but you're holding your own." Nodding, I pull the seatbelt around me as he shuts the door heading to the opposite side of the car. "I've spent enough time with you in both states, though."

"Fair point, Christian Yelich."

"Christian," I whine as he starts to walk out of the elevator as it reaches his floor. Christian turns around to look at me, and I just hold my arms up, hoping he picks up that I want a piggyback ride. 

"Seriously?" He asks, shaking his head with a smile. Nodding, I hit him with a pair of puppy dog eyes, "Oh, you and those eyes," He comments, laughing as he comes back to the elevator. "You didn't have to pull those out. I was going to give you one regardless." Crouching in front of me, he lets me hop on, "Damn, JJ, how the hell does it feel like you've lost weight since the last time I had to carry your ass?" 

"I dunno," I laugh, my arms wrapped around his neck, face virtually pressed against his, while he makes his way down the hallway. 

Grabbing the key out of his pocket, he slides it into the door, seeming to open it with no effort even as he holds me on his back.  After walking us into his room and shutting the door behind us, he all but throws me onto the bed, making me lose it in fits of giggles. The slit in my dress left my underwear and everything on full display. "Damn Yelich, if you wanted to see what was underneath, all you had to do was ask." 

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