My Wives.

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Coughing, I try and remember how to breathe as I wake up. It's hard to get myself to calm down before my eyes adjust and I'm able to relax again. The scenery of the room I'd been in before I was wheeled back to the operating room. Glancing around, I notice the tubes of the IV coming out of me before noticing my foot elevated up in the air.

"How you doing, kid?" My dad asks.

Shrugging, I nod, still groggy from the anesthesia, "Fine, I think." My voice is noticeably hoarse until I clear my throat. 

"Dr.Collins said everything was just about as routine as things get," my dad explains, "He mentioned he'd be in again once you were awake."

"Okay," I reply, my voice quieter than I'd intended. Maybe I should sleep a little longer.

"So, you got a boyfriend I don't know about?" He asks, pulling up a blush pink box. Furrowing my eyebrows a little, I shake my head, "Those were dropped off not too long ago." 

Nodding, I take the box from him and open it. A note falls out of the lid as I see the beautiful arrangement of baby pink and pearl sheen roses. They're stunning. From what I know of these, they go for about $350 on the low end of things. My guess is that this particular set would go for higher. They've gotta be from Christian. Gabbing the note again, I can't help but smile as I read the message. "Thinking of you JJ, let me know when you get these." Even without a signature, the use of my nickname confirms my assumption. 

"You sure you don't have a boyfriend?" My dad asks, getting another head shake from me. 

"He's just a friend," I tell him as honest as I can be, "A very good friend." 

"Do I know this friend?" He asks, "Just friend's don't send expensive roses like that." 

Chuckling, I shake my head again, "No, not from me anyway." My dad nods, a small smile on his face making it obvious he doesn't believe me. Whatever he knows that he'll know about anyone when he needs to. "Can I have my phone?" 

"Yeah," He replies, reaching down to my bag and grabbing it out of the front pocket before handing it to me. 

Hitting Christian's contact, I pen out my message for him, "Thank you for the flowers, even though now my dad is questioning me about them. :P Completely unnecessary, but they're beautiful. From what I've heard, everything went well."

As there's a quick couple of knocks on the door, I turn my phone face down on the bed next to me while Dr.Collins lets himself in. "Miss Jailyn James, how are you doing?" 

"Fine, as far as I know," I joke slightly, "I can only assume I'm on something for any pain I'd have." 

Dr.Collins nods, "Right, So I just wanted to come in and let you know how everything went and our plan from here. I'll be honest if I could operate on a tear like yours every single day if I could. It was one of the most textbook repairs I think I've ever done in my career, even with the extent of the tear." Well, that's good to hear, "Just for the initial few days, I'm going to prescribe hydrocodone. Because it is an opiate, I do have to warn you that it can be a habit-forming drug. As long as you're taking it as prescribed, it's not something you should have to worry about. If that's something that concerns you, especially given your career path, we can go a different route." 

"Yeah, I had some when I got my wisdom teeth out," I reply, "I only took two, I think, and that was just the first day after I got them out." 

Dr.Collins nods, "Okay, then I'm not too worried about it. For the next ten days, I need you to be non-weight bearing. We'll set you up with crutches and make sure you'll be okay with them. After that first ten days, I'll have you come back so we can get the stitches out and re-evaluate at that time. Typically, the goal is to start physical therapy at about day fourteen. Depending on your schedule, we can see what works best for you. Once we get into the PT side of things, it's going to be one of those things where we'll have to watch and see how things progress. You're an active young woman. I'm confident that we can get you back to full functionality as if this injury never happened."

"Okay," I reply, nodding taking in everything he's said. There wasn't this much reassurance when I initially came in. Hearing his confidence makes me a lot more hopeful for the future of my career. "Thank you." 

"I'd say anytime, but I'd rather not see you back in here." 

"You know," I start off, "You really didn't have to come over today."

Christian laughs, "Are you kidding? Of course, I did. Now I don't owe you shit for helping me out." 

Scoffing, I shake my head, "I mean, if thats the only reason you came by, you can leave." 

"Relax," he tells me, chuckling at my response, "I'd have thought you'd figure out by now that I actually enjoy spending time with you." 

Rolling my eyes, I shoot him a small smile. "Don't expect to get in my pants either," I tease, "I still feel hospital gross." 

"I am capable of keeping it in my pants, JJ," He replies, sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders. My scoff at his response was the last thing between us for a moment while both of us have our attention on my TV. 'Silver Linings Playbook' was put on an hour ago, and somehow this feels like the first time we've both actually been watching it. As Robert De Niro and Paul Herman go back and forth about the parlay, I rest my head on Christian's shoulder, still drowsy from the anesthesia now mixed with the pain killer I'd been instructed to take. 

Christian's hand moves from behind me on the couch to my arm, grazing it gently with his fingertips, making it that much harder to try and keep myself awake. "You're gonna make me fall asleep," I tell him, adjusting myself a little bit to be more comfortable, snuggling a little closer to him. 

He laughs quietly, stopping what he was doing, "That better?"

"No," I tell him, "I actually liked it. It was nice, I figured I'd warn you, though." Christian's soft chuckle vibrates through his chest before he goes back to rubbing my arm. 

"Don't worry about me, JJ. You've been through a lot, and if you need a nap, I'm more than happy to be your pillow." 

Chuckling, I nod to myself, "See you say that, then you keep on talking." 

"I'll shut up then," He replies, and even though I can't see his face, I just know he's smiling. 

"Nah," I tell him. "It's okay. I want to finish the movie, anyway." 

"You've seen this before," He replies, laughing now at my almost refusal to go to sleep. "I know because you've told me it was your favorite before." 

The fact he remembered that makes me smile. I hadn't really thought he was paying attention to that sort of thing until now. "I'm surprised you remembered that." 

"Of course I did," He tells me as if it should've been the most obvious thing in the world. "Contrary to what you apparently seem to think, I'm a great friend." 

Laughing at his call out, I reply, "I never said you weren't. Most people I'm around don't seem to remember things like that, though."

"Well yeah, besides me and Tyler, you're shitty at picking friends." 

Scoffing, I don't know how to take his response, "I am not." 

"Oh yeah? How's Kristen," He pulls out, making me bust out laughing. "Or Josh, how's he doing these days." 

"You're an ass," I tell him, still laughing, knowing he's got a point with the two of them. "You're right, but still an ass." 

Christian's loud laugh makes me continue on my giggles, "I don't know though, I think you've gotten better at it recently. Just look who your cuddling with." 

Snorting, I shake my head over how highly he thinks of himself for me, "I hate that I don't even have an argument for you."

"I'll even bring Carly into this, Maddy too," He continues. 

"Your point has been made. No need to bring my wives into this," I joke back. "So, I have a shitty track record, sue me." 

Christian chuckles some more as he squeezes me into him, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere, so your track record won't be too bad."

"Thanks, you know I really appreciate that," I reply hitting his stomach slightly making him laugh even harder. Who the hell knows where me and Christian are going to end up, but I couldn't be happier to have him in my life, even if he's being an ass.

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