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Lifting the bag of food onto Christian's counter proves to be a chore. "You good?" Christian asks, chuckling a little as he meets me. 

"Yeah," I reply, starting to take the food he'd ordered out. "Cathy had me conditioning for like four hours today, basically. I'm not sure I've ever been this sore in my life." Christian laughs as he shakes his head. "Thanks for this, by the way."

"Thanks for picking it up," He replies, "As much as I love this city and the fans, I'm not really in the headspace to want to entertain the questions and comments that would come right now."

"I get that," I reply, "How are you doing, by the way?" 

"I'm fine," He says, a small shake of his head along with. "It's more frustrating than anything, even with it being pretty much best case scenario. Being out for eight to ten weeks sucks, and knowing that the only chance I'd even have to come back is if we'd make the world series sucks, but I can't really do anything about it." 


"Even if we'd make the World Series, it'd be pushing it. That's all without any real setbacks. We're like a week in a lot can happen."

"Yeah," I comment, agreeing with him. "It'd be pretty badass if you had that World Series comeback," I laugh, fuck, my abs hurt. "In my incredibly limited medical opinion, though, I wouldn't push it. If you hurt it again that soon, the odds of you needing surgery is a good amount higher."

"We're still a few games out of the wild card spot. We'll have to wait and see if that's even a passing thought in a few weeks." 

"Right," I agree, "Mentally, you're good though?"

"Yeah, mostly just frustrated, shit happens. I'll be fine by next season."

"Just had to check," I comment, teasing slightly. "Would me telling you something that could be really cool for me help?"

"Depends," he says, the slight smirk making it obvious he's teasing, "How cool is it?" 

"I mean, pretty fucking cool," I can't help but laugh a little thinking about it and how insane this is for me. "You said it before we're not even allowed to let people know we've even met. It's probably pretty safe for me to tell you."

"Alright," Christian chuckles, "What is it?" 

"Well," I start off as a wave of anxiety hits me. Actually being about to tell someone, is a lot scarier than I'd thought. It makes this whole thing just that much more real, and I haven't even fully wrapped my head around it. "Cathy says that I'm in contention to be invited to the Olympic trials. She's got me training now to got to Oklahoma next month to participate in them." 

Christian looks almost shocked, probably about as shocked as I was when Cathy told me. "That's, wow," Christian says, not knowing fully what to say. "That's incredible, JJ." 

"Yeah," I say quietly, "I don't know that I'm ready to do it, though. I haven't gotten an official invite yet. Cathy thinks it's inevitable, given my stat line from last season. She's had me training for about four hours ever since our Instagram fiasco. That was the extra layer that I texted you about then. It'd be one thing if it was just an NCAA suspension. It's a whole different thing now that it could be the Olympics." 

"Damn, JJ," Christian says, still with a hint of disbelief. "Well, at least one of us has something cool going on," Christian laughs. 

"Shut up," I comment, laughing along with him. "You've still got a lot of shit going on. Your numbers still have you in the MVP talks. I'd even go as far as saying that you get the back-to-back MVP titles." Christian just rolls his eyes, smiling slightly, "Even if you don't, you're still in the running. As shitty as this is, you've played enough for it to be a whole season. You're in the running for everything still, and you can't hurt your numbers."

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