Love, Rose and Vanilla.

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"Hello?" I ask. I'm sure the fact I've just woken up to take this call is evident in my voice. 


"The one and only," I reply, half-heartedly joking. It's a little hard to crack jokes only being up the last thirty seconds. "Christian, what time is it?" 

"Like one in the morning, I can't sleep." 

Scoffing, I roll onto my back, holding my hand in my hair, "Me neither, apparently." Well, at least my sarcasm hasn't been lost, even with it being about midnight here. "I'd been waiting for you to get back to me, but I ended up falling asleep."

"I'm sorry," Christian says, it's obvious he does feel bad. "I got your message and was in a shitty mood over the game. I wanted to wait that out before I called you, so I wasn't a dick or something because of it." 

Nodding to myself, I yawn a little as I reply, "It's okay, just shoot me a text or something next time so I'm not trying, and apparently, failing to wait up." 

"I can probably manage that," He says, a small chuckle in his tone making me smile, "How'd the meeting go?" 

"It was kinda pointless, but it went well. My line did like five times more in sales than we'd anticipated. It's their best selling line by a huge margin," I explain, yawning again as I stare up at the hotel ceiling. "How much did, or will you make, this year?" 

"Fourteen," He replies, "Why?"

"Cause I've now made more than you," I joke, making him laugh, "I'm still struggling to wrap my head around the number." 

"Damn, my baby's getting that bread," He jokes, making me chuckle a little, "Can I ask how much?" 

"North of Thirty-three million," I tell him, shaking my head as I say the number out loud.

"Holy shit," he says, almost in disbelief. "That's incredible, JJ." 

"Yeah," I reply quietly, my slight exhaustion setting in. "More money than I'll ever know what to do with, but I think this is only going to be an every couple years type deal. I'd already told them that I don't want to do another line until 2024." 

"Why wouldn't you?" Christian asks, almost confused, "You've made that much off of it. Why not do a line annually?" 

"It doesn't pay. I'd just be saturating my own market. That, and I play softball more than the average consumer, and I've used like three bats since I started playing in high school. The only reason it's three is cause I've gotten a new one for both my professional seasons." 

"That must be nice," Christian laughs, "I'm lucky to get more than maybe a couple weeks out of one." 

"Right," I reply through yet another yawn. "I'm meeting with Adidas now tomorrow, well, today I guess, now. The head over at DeMarini wanted to branch into apparel, but apparently, Adidas has exclusivity. DeMarini would be paying me more than my current contract with Adidas does, but that's what Jenna wants to renegotiate tomorrow." 

"Isn't it so tough being this little cash cow for these companies?" He asks, making me laugh.

"I'm too tired to get even act like I'm offended you just, partially, called me a cow," I tease back. 

"You've basically got a college degree, you know what the term means," he replies, making both of us laugh a moment before he asks, "Remember two years ago when you had to be convinced to go to the trials? Now, look at you." 

"Honestly," I start, "That may go down as one of my dumber moments. Everything worked out just fine. Sometimes I wonder where we'd be had I not gone for it." 

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