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It was always strange looking over at him and his indifferent face as he scrolled through his phone afterwards. The fact that he could look like it hadn't mattered to him, the evening they had together. The evening filled with lust, with touches and rough handling, with relief and closeness. The kind of evening Eddy treasured above anything else.

"What are you staring at? Do I have cum in my hair again?" Brett asked jokingly, not looking up from his phone. Eddy got a hint of red over his cheekbones and turned away to hide it. It was so hard to hide it in the moments after.

"No, no, but it's well ruffled. You should probably get that sorted out before you go home, in case someone sees you," Eddy shrugged, wrapping the duvet tighter around himself. He always felt vulnerable after sex, but he knew asking for cuddles to feel better was a step too far for Brett. Things weren't really like that.

"Probably a good idea, people don't really need to know what we're up to after filming anyway," Brett shrugged and scooted down to sit on the edge of the bed as he looked for his dark blue boxers and the merch t-shirt he had been wearing when he got there.

Eddy sneaked a glance at his naked best friend's body as he stood up to pull his boxers up even though he had just seen it working, pumping inside his ass with musician's steady rhythm while his soft hands explored every centimeter of him. He was always amazed at how well Brett knew his sweet spots and how to use them to trigger amazing orgasms.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow for the rehearsal?" Brett said, sounding all business as usual as he pulled his hoodie over his head and straightened his glasses immediately after. Eddy was still enjoying the view as Brett unruffled the last remaining evidence of their time together with his hands and looked in the mirror above Eddy's dresser to see if it turned out acceptable.

"The rehearsal?" Eddy asked, snapping out of his thoughts a few moments too late. It was so hard to stay focused while looking at him. "Oh yeah, the rehearsal with Ray. Of course, yeah. Slipped my mind for a bit there."

Brett nodded and grabbed his wallet and his watch from the dresser, slipping the watch around his wrist with trained fingers.
"Alright, see you then. Do you want me to lock the door when I leave?"

"Would you please? I'm so tired," Eddy sighed, pulling the covers up to his chin. He should have taken a shower before going to sleep, but he honestly didn't mind his own mixed scent with Brett's and the smell of sex reminding him of the good time they had just had. Besides, he wasn't sure he could stand up properly just yet.

"Okay, just set an alarm please. Don't want to make the excuse 'I fucked him too well last night' to Ray tomorrow," Brett said with a teasing edge as he opened Eddy's creaking bedroom door.

Eddy demonstratively turned to grab his phone on the bedside table and held it up for Brett to see, not looking to see his reaction. Seeing him leave always made him emotional, so he avoided it as best he could.

"Good boy. Night, then," Brett said as he slipped out the door and shut it behind him.

One would think Eddy was used to him leaving after, having experienced it at least a dozen times now. He was almost disappointed with himself as a single tear ran down his cheek the moment he heard the front door close.

"Just stop it," he whispered shakily to himself. "You have gotten closer than you could ever have hoped for. Be grateful for what you have."

He set an alarm before turning to grab the pillow Brett had rested his head on while Eddy rode him earlier, pressing it against his face. This was enough, he tried to convince himself. More than he could have ever hoped for.

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