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Both Brett and Elise was still asleep as Eddy pulled into the driveway of their house. Brett stirred when Eddy shut the engine off.

"We home already?" he asked while yawning, taking his glasses off to rub his eyes. Eddy nodded and turned in his seat to see Elise stirring as well.

"Yeah, and our moms will be here in like half an hour," Eddy sighed, taking his seatbelt off. "Good thing our house is kinda clean, ey?"

"Yeah," Brett yawned and opened his car door. The nap hadn't really done much other than make him more sleepy, but he knew he had ti shake himself awake for the visit. He just thanked all possible deities that his dad was on a business trip and that Eddy's dad was in Taiwan. He really couldn't have handled four extra people right then.

Eddy was quick to get out of the car and opened the passenger door where Elise was.
"Hey babygirl," he cooed at her as he unfastened her from the car seat. "You ready to come home for the first time?"

Brett was already grabbing their bags from the trunk, but couldn't help but smile when hearing how Eddy talked to her. It made his heart flutter to hear.

Eddy got the honour of bringing her inside for the first time, and he immediately went around the house "showing her" everything despite the little girl not understanding a single thing of what was happening.

The couch was simply way too comfortable for Brett to be able to stay awake once he had sat down. He mentally followed the sound of Eddy's footsteps and soft talking to their daughter for a while before drifting off. Maybe he was getting old, but the lack of sleep the past few days was really getting to him.

He didn't wake up until the doorbell rang and Eddy came up to him asking him to hold Elise while he got the door. Still groggy from sleep he accepted Elise who immediately began crying softly from the change of  position.

"Shh, sweetie, no need to cry, it's just me," Brett mumbled, rocking her back and forth for a bit. She wasn't really settling, and Brett's brain was racing to figure out how to calm her.

The obvious answer hit him eventually, but a moment later his mom, Eddy's mom and Eddy entered the living room.

"Oh my!" Eddy's mom exclaimed, holding a hand in front of her mouth as if preventing herself from screaming. "She is real, oh!"

His own mother was just stunned at the sight of her son trying to calm this little girl.
"Ah, Brett, she looks just like you," she finally croaked out, pulling out a handkerchief from her purse to pat her tears away.

"Eddy, could you make some milk for her? I think she's hungry," Brett asked, ignoring the outburst from their mothers. "I put the formula we got on the bench."

"Yes, gimme a minute," Eddy nodded, disappearing around the corner while Brett tried to calm the little one. Grandmothers can wait, Elise needs to eat first.

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