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It shouldn't feel like you couldn't breathe as you walked into your own home. Brett felt like someone was standing on his chest as he closed his front door behind him. It felt strange visiting your own home like you didn't live there, especially after three months away. In one way, he couldn't wait to have his own space again. At the same time, living with Eddy was... Well, kind of amazing.

"H... hello?" Brett asked shakily into the house, peeking into the living room. He couldn't see Leonora anywhere, which he was both happy and sad about. He wanted to see if she was okay, but at the same time he knew he'd feel bad about everything if he had to deal with her.

His shoes were placed gently on the rack and he stepped inside, immediately heading for the studio. He was just there to fetch some sheet music and the phone camera stand and then get out of there. No need to linger any more than he had to.

"Brett?" he heard behind him as he grabbed the phone stand, and he felt the butterflies of nervousness in the bottom of his stomach. He turned to meet the eyes of the woman he had fallen for, but she looked sick and pale.

"Hey. Are you okay?" Brett asked, standing up more to look at her properly. He had the sheet music under his arm and the phone stand in his hand, but every cell in his body told him to drop everything and make sure she was fine. He didn't, though. They had broken up, and with good reason. He knew that.

"I uh... Not really. I was gonna ask a favour, but I completely get it if I'm asking too much already," she said, looking like she was turning greener for every second. Was she sick still?

"No, no. What do you need?" Brett asked, feeling his guard go down. Of course he'd help her, his love for her didn't exactly go away just because they weren't together anymore. It was just about realizing that they didn't work out as a couple really, and Brett had to remind himself of that.

"I... I've been sick for... Well, a while now, and I finally got a doctor's appointment next week, but I have no way of getting there..." she said, leaning heavily on the door and swallowing hard. She didn't look well at all.

"I'll take you, no worries," Brett assured, running a hand through his hair. Being around her made him nervous.

"Oh and uh, my parents... are letting me move back in with them when my aunt goes back to England. I'm sorry it's taken forever."

Brett didn't have time to respond before she ran off with her hand over her mouth. He didn't know what to do to help her, so he grabbed his stuff and moved it out to the front door.

He didn't realize she was back before he heard her voice behind him.
"I guess I'll text you the... details for the appointment?" she asked with a shaky voice. Brett stood up from tying his shoelaces and looked at her.

"Yeah, yeah. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks Brett, for everything you're doing for me."

"Just making sure you're alright. See ya."

The walk back to Eddy's house was long and filled with all kinds of thoughts. Hopefully, Eddy would pull him back down to earth like he always did.

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