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It was Eddy's turn with Elise that night, and he honestly expected her to settle down like she had the night before when Brett had her. He was walking back and forth in her room with her, and she was calm but didn't really fall asleep.

Brett came out of the bathroom after brushing his teeth and peeked into Elise's room.
"I'm heading to bed," he said softly. "Unless you want some help?"

"No, no. She'll fall asleep eventually. It's just..."

Both of them jumped when Brett's phone rang, startling Elise who began crying. Eddy sighed, and Brett sent him an apologetic smile before answering his phone.

Eddy tuned the conversation out as he rocked her and tried to talk to her to calm her. She was still crying when Brett peeked his head back in the room.

"It's Leonora. She wants to talk to you too. Let's swap for a bit?" Brett suggested, holding out the phone for him. Eddy sighed and took it, letting Brett take Elise from him.

"Hello?" he asked in the phone, going to sit in the couch. He didn't really want to talk to her, but he felt like he owed her that.

"Hi, Eddy, it's Leonora," she said, sounding like she had been crying. Eddy bit his lip.

"How are you?" he asked, running a hand through his hair as he pulled his legs into the couch. She cleared her throat.

"I'm alright, I think. I'm calling to ask a favour of you and Brett," she explained, and Eddy felt his stomach tighten. It felt like something was very wrong, but he had no idea what.

"What is it?" he asked, hearing Brett come out of Elise's room behind him. How had he gotten her to sleep already?

"I'm... I'm moving to England. My dad got me a job through some contacts, and uh... Yeah. I'm going to be there probably for at least a few years, maybe forever..." Leonora stuttered, sniffling in the other end. Eddy bit his lip as Brett sat down next to him, giving him one of those looks that made him even more worried.

"Congrats on the job. I'm sure England will be great," Eddy said, seeing where this was going. He didn't know how to feel about it.

"The favour I wanted to ask is if I can... If I can see her before I go? It might be my last chance and... I know I'm probably asking too much, and I completely get it if you don't want me to..." Her voice trailed off into a sob, and Eddy got a ball of bad started in his stomach. "Please, Eddy. It's all I'll ever ask of you."

Eddy bit his lip, letting his gaze drop to where Brett had taken his hand.
"What did Brett say?" he asked Leonora while looking at Brett. Brett leaned forward and kissed his cheek while Leonora explained.

"He said it was fine by him if you're okay with it," Leonora sniffled, and Eddy heard the movement of her phone as she wiped her tears. "I know it's a big ask, and I understand you have every reason to be sceptical of me..."

"Alright, you can see her," Eddy said, feeling Brett place his arm around him. "When do you leave?"

"In three days," Leonora said wuockly. "God, thank you. I don't think I can explain how much it means to me, Eddy, honestly. Thank you."

"How about tomorrow? At eleven or something?" he suggested, the bad feeling growing in his stomach.

"Yes, yes! Anytime that's best for you two. Thank you, Eddy."

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