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The phone call to Leonora to invite her over to talk about the baby was stressing Brett out so much. He had been putting it off for days.

"You gonna call her today?" Eddy asked as he flipped the eggs in the pan for their breakfast. Brett fiddled with the handle of his coffee mug for a bit before slowly taking a sip, dragging out having to answer while thinking of an excuse.

"I mean, maybe it would be better over the weekend, actually? Just to see how things..."

"You know you're just making excuses now, right?" Eddy pointed out, interrupting him. He had heard the same excuses for days. "Are you sure you want this, Brett?"

"We've already talked about that," Brett mumbled, sipping his coffee again. Eddy shrugged.

"Maybe I did something during the week you've been putting this off to make you change your mind about having a family with me, who knows?" Eddy tried to make it sound like a joke, but it didn't really sound like one. His mind had definitely been spiraling from Brett's hesitation.

"I do want a family and a future with you, Eddy, I'm just nervous about her. What if she changed her mind? What if she doesn't want me to have the kid? What if she's got issues with it being a gay couple raising her child?" Brett explained, running a hand through his hair to keep it out if his eyes. "I mean, her dad is quite religious which is why she can't have an abortion in the first place."

"I guess just leaving me out of the picture would make that last point a whole lot easier," Eddy pointed out quietly, staring into the frying pan. Brett could feel his mood shift, and got up from his chair to place his arms around the taller boy from behind.

"But I can't do it without you, Eddy," Brett mumbled into the back of Eddy's shirt. "So that's not an option."

"I hope you wouldn't abandon a child for me, honestly," Eddy mumbled, feeling a blush creep over his cheeks. He still wasn't used to Brett just touching him at random.

"Of course not, but I don't think I could choose to have a child without your support," Brett clarified, slowly letting Eddy go so he could move the eggs to their plates. He could see Eddy's blush on his neck, wanting to press his lips against the warm skin. He knew he couldn't do that, though, without freaking Eddy out.

"Breakfast is ready, at least," Eddy said, trying to calm his speeding heart. "But you really should call her today."

"I will, I will, but I want to eat first," Brett mumbled, taking the plate Eddy handd to him and sitting down again. "Thank you for cooking, though. You're the best."

"Wait until you taste the food before making any claims," Eddy said with a tiny smile as he sat across from him. "Might be super salty, you know."

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