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Ray left with Elise when he had gathered, and Eddy had double checked, all the things she'd need over the weekend. Eddy watched him pull out his phone to film some for the vlog before getting her in the car seat he had borrowed from them on the promise he'd get it back in the car.

The stack of pancakes was just sitting on the table getting cold Ray pulled off, leaving Eddy to his thoughts as Brett was still asleep. He just hoped she'd be alright, that Ray knew what he had gotten himself into.

He shuffled quietly into the bedroom to wake Brett, but found him already awake and shivering.
"You alright, love?" Eddy asked, sitting down on the edge of the bed, reaching over to brush his sweaty hair away from his forehead. He was burning up.

"I'm freezing," Brett mumbled, teeth chattering as he did. He pulled the duvet tighter around himself. Eddy stroke his red cheeks gently.

"You're actually burning up, love. I think you've got a fever going on," Eddy said softly, holding the inside his wrist against his forehead for a moment. Brett's forehead was probably warmer than the pancakes on the table by now. "How are you feeling, outside of freezing?"

"Just tired," Brett sighed, squinting up at Eddy as he wasn't wearing his glasses. "I'm sorry, this is super bad timing..."

"This is actually perfect timing, imagine if I were to take care of both you AND Elise?" Eddy chuckled, leaning down to kiss his clammy forehead. "Do you feel up for some breakfast?"

Brett made a grimace at the suggestion of eating.
"I mean... Not really? I just want to sleep," he mumbled, closing his eyes again.

"You sure? I can bring it here for you," Eddy suggested, stroking his arm outside the duvet. "And I'll see if we have some kind of ibuprofen or something?"

"I'll try and get something down, it's probably good for me," Brett sighed, closing his eyes again. Eddy stood up.

"Give me a minute then. Try and rest while I'm gone," Eddy said before disappearing out the bedroom door to get the pancakes.

Brett tried to keep himself from shivering as he pulled the duvet tighter around himself. It felt like his bones were replaced with icicles and he had a slight headache, but it wasn't too bad really. He felt bad about being sick, though, knowing their plans for the weekend. If he didn't get better quickly all those would go down the drain, including their dinner reservation for Saturday evening.

He tried to sit up a bit when Eddy came in with a tray with pancakes, coffee and what he assumed was some kind of pill with ibuprofen.
"Thank you, love," Brett mumbled, forcing a tiny smile. Eddy set the tray down on the bed and crawled in with him.

"Of course, Bretty. I'm gonna take care of you," Eddy smiled, handing him the coffee cup. Brett took it in his shaky hands, trying his best not to spill any. "The pancakes might be a bit cold, though. Sorry about that."

"They're probably great," Brett assured him before taking a careful sip of his coffee. The warm liquid felt nice.

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