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"Don't cut it too short, I like having something to pull when we..."

Brett smiled to himself as he walked down the street to the local hairdresser. Eddy's words rang through his head making his stomach tickle. The way his lips had touches his, leaning against him and making his back press against his front door before heading out...

He shook his head slightly to snap out of it. It would be very bad to get a haircut with a boner.

Both of them were getting their hair cut today, but they had no babysitter so they were going separately, meeting at the salon to swap before Eddy's appointment. After, they were going to a nearby park to get some fresh air, which Brett was embarrassingly excited about.

Stepping into the hairdresser he'd gone to as a kid felt weird. The last few years, that being for as long as he had been able to afford it, he'd gone elsewhere. Not because the people there weren't competent, but rather the fact that some of the people in this place knew every hairstyle he had from his first haircut until he was about seventeen.

"Oh my, is that you? Brett Yang?" an all too familiar lady asked him as the bell indicating he had entered the shop rang, almost forgetting herself while curling some old lady's hair.

"Yes, yes. Hi mrs Johnson," Brett said with a small smile as he went up to the counter. "How are you?"

"Oh, just great! Melissa will be with you shortly," mrs Johnson said, turning away to peek over one of the too short divider wall behind the mirrors. "Melissa! Customers!"

Wait... Melissa? Mrs Johnson's god-daughter who practically grew up in the salon? The Melissa preteen Brett Yang had the wildest crush on? That Melissa? She was still here?

A quite tall brunette peeked from behind the divider wall where she looked like she had been sweeping hair judging from the broom in her hand.

"Oh my god, Brett?! I haven't seen you in years!" she exclaimed, leaning her broom against the divider wall and hurrying over to the front desk. "You've grown up so much!"

"So have you," Brett commented back, feeling the same nervousness ten year old Brett had felt when talking to her. This time, he was pretty sure it was because of her extremely outgoing personality that crashed with him being pretty out of training with dealing with the real world recently combined with the fact that she probably was taller than even Eddy.

She had really matured since he last saw her, though, which would be more than ten years ago now. It was impossible not to notice that the girl he used to tease and call twig had gotten quite some feminine curves.

"You have the appointment at two, right?" Melissa asked with a smile after checking the appointment book. It looked like it was the same thick book it had been ten years ago.

"That's me, yes," Brett nodded, running a hand through his way too long hair. "I hope to get something done with this mess."

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