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"Do you wanna take the other end?" Eddy asked as he slid the last flat box containing shelf out of the trunk of Brett's car. Brett half run from the door to come help him.

"Is it heavy?" Brett asked and Eddy shrugged with a smile.

"I carried the last two myself while you struggled with the crib, so not insanely heavy, I guess," Eddy said as they lifted the box. Brett let out a grunt.

"Not heavy my ass."

They got the last shelf inside, and Eddy immediately started opening the one they had just carried inside while Eddy sat down on the floor.

"You wanna start at once?" Eddy asked, sounding like he'd rather not. Brett looked at him and nodded.

"Yeah so we can rest even better afterwards," he mumbled as he slid the parts of one of their new Kallax shelves out of the box. "And to be able to remove some boxes so we can fit the couch when they come with it later today, you know."

"Very good point," Eddy sighed and grabbed the instructions booklet. He opened it and quickly flipped through it. "Looks simple enough, I think if we mess this up too badly I'm not sure we're fit to be parents."

Brett laughed at Eddy's last comment and grabbed the booklet from him to see.
"Do we have the tools, though?"

"We have the tools, the question is where do we have the tools?"

Brett looked up over the sea of unmarked brown boxes and sighed heavily.
"I feel like we should have thought about this."

Eddy nodded in agreement and rubbed his eyes.
"Moving houses is so tiresome," he whined, putting on a pouty face. "Why don't I remember it being this tiresome when moving last time?"

"Because you moved gradually last time," Brett explained, running a hand through his hair before opening the closest box to check for tools. "But now we had to move everything at once because we don't own the last places anymore."

"Kind of insane to think about never getting to see the inside of the house anymore," Eddy mumbled, grabbing a box. "That someone else live there now."

"Yeahh, it's trippy," Brett agreed, showing the box he had been looking in to the side. It had only contained books. "But I guess it'll feel less weird when we get used to our new place."

"So far I'm not a fan, byt it's probably because of all the mess," Eddy joked as he opened another box. He blinked a few times, just to check that he wasn't hallucinating from the lack of sleep. "Found the tools!"

Brett moved himself over to confirm all the tools they needed were there, and was relieved to find they were. He fished out the hammer, their two screwdrivers and the other stuff they needed.

"Thank god that didn't take as long as it could have. And thank fuck we packed all the tools in the same box," Eddy sighed, kissing Brett's cheek before pushing the box away to make space to build the shelf. "Let's get going then."

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