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Elise woke up early. Elise woke up at 03:30 and would not sleep after. She cried a lot, and whenever Eddy drifted off in the comfy chair he was quickly woken by her cries.

Eddy cried too, from tiredness mostly.

"Please sleep just a bit longer," he pleaded with Elise, standing up and rocking her gently. He wiped his own tears with the back of his hand.

He tried to see if she was hungry, but that wasn't it. He tried to see if she needed changing, which she didn't, he tried to see if maybe her bodysuit was sitting wrong or if her socks were too tight. He even got the new pacifier Ray had gotten to see if she wanted that despite his fears that she'd end up with teeth like his from using it, but she just spat it out.

Brett didn't wake up until half past nine, and Eddy kept his face as he came out and kissed him good morning before going for a shower. Elise wasn't crying as badly now, after having had breakfast, but still wasn't really as calm as she usually was.

"I don't know what's wrong," Eddy admitted when Brett came out of the bathroom with still wet hair and sat in the couch next to him. "She just won't..."

Brett placed his arm around him and pulled him closer, kissing his cheek.
"You know, maybe she just has an off day?" he suggested, and stroke his finger over her cheek. She paused her crying for a moment, but it didn't last.

"She's a baby, I don't think they have off days," Eddy sighed, leaning his head on his shoulder. "I just can't figure out what's wrong."

"Did you try the pacifier Ray got us? Or the baby mute, as he called it," Brett suggested with a short chuckle. Eddy nodded quietly.

"She wouldn't take it," Eddy mumbled, licking his lips. "I think I've tried everything, but I'm probably missing something obvious."

Brett placed a hand on Eddy's cheek and turned his head to kiss him gently.
"Hey, I can feel your energy just drop through the floor. Is something wrong, or are you just tired?" he asked, caressing his cheek carefully.

"I don't know," Eddy mumbled, a tear spilling over again. Brett was quick to wipe it for him.

"Let me take Elise for a bit, and you can go sleep for a few minutes, okay?" Brett suggested, but Eddy just shook his head with tears flowing heavier now.

"No, no, it's fine. I just... I want to fix this, I want... I want to make sure she's alright..." Eddy sobbed as Brett took Elise from him and stood up. Eddy just felt more useless when Brett went and put her in her crib, still crying.

"I swear I tried everything..." Eddy began when Brett sat down next to him again and pulled him into a tight hug.

"I know. You're doing a great job, Eddy," Brett mumbled, rubbing his back.

"I'm probably missing something, I just... I'm so tired, Brett..." Eddy sniffled, hiding his face in Brett's shoulder. "I'm sorry. I swear I'm doing my best."

"Eddy mine, you're doing amazing, and honestly, I don't know why she's crying right now either," Brett said, rubbing his back. "But that's okay, sometimes she's gonna cry for no reason, but it's not your fault."

"I don't want her to cry," Eddy sniffled. "And now you've got two crybabies to deal with. I'm sorry, I can deal with myself. I'm sorry."

Eddy pulled away from Brett's hug and wiped his own tears, taking a few breaths to try and calm himself down.

"Hey, it's okay to be emotional, especially when you're tired. And it's okay to lean on me," Brett said, kissing him quickly. "I love you, okay? I want you to be okay."

"You should look after Elise, she's crying too," Eddy sniffled, wiping his tears. "She's more important."

"She isn't crying anymore," Brett pointed out to him, and Eddy got really quiet for a moment as he realized he was right.

"She... She cried herself to sleep..." Eddy mumbled, feeling even worse than before. Brett sighed and kissed him again.

"Eddy mine, she's fine. You did everything right, okay? You're allowed to cry, it's fine."

"I'm... I'm gonna take a shower..." Eddy sniffled, trying to wipe his tears again. He stood up. "And then everything will be fine after."

"Okay, love. Take your time, okay?" Brett said and stood up as well. "I'll get some breakfast going. Pancakes today?"

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