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//hi guys still sick, this chapter took 3 days to write but I miss writing so I hope you enjoy it //

Eddy eventually decided the golden frames looked the least stupid on him after three more breakdowns from him and two from Elise. The shop was nearing closing time, and Eddy felt the pressure to just choose something eventually.

Brett had been an angel the entire time. Where did he even get his patience from? Especially with one crybaby and one actual baby crying on his hands, how didn't he just snap and tell Eddy to get his shit together?

He felt pretty stupid on the way home, despite Brett repeating over and over that it was okay to feel insecure about getting glasses for the first time at twenty-seven. It couldn't possibly be normal for grown man to cry in a store for two hours over glasses.

"Eddy, it's absolutely fine to feel insecure about it," Brett said for the hundred time, trying to reach for his hand with the one that wasn't pushing the stroller. Eddy refused to take it, not really feeling like he deserved it.

"It's really not," Eddy mumbled, his eyes locked to the ground just in front of him. "At least not to cry about it for hours."

Brett sighed, not knowing what else to say. Sure, it wasn't exactly normal, but everyone was different. If Eddy needed two hours and some tears to choose something, then so be it. He did end up choosing something that made him look like some kind of goddess model taken straight out of the perfect world of instagram. Brett almost felt like his own selection was a bit plain compared to his boyfriend's.

"At least you chose something that looked great on you," Brett tried to encourage him as they rounded the corner to the last stretch down to their house. Eddy looked like he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time.

"You're too nice," Eddy mumbled, taking a few steps ahead to unlock the door for them. They just kept the stroller by the entrance recently, having taken it out more often lately.

They got the stroller up the stairs and inside before taking Elise out. She was thankfully fast asleep, it nearing the end of her afternoon nap.

"I'll just... Take a quick nap, if that's okay," Eddy mumbled, already kind of sliding backwards towards the bedroom. Brett looked up at him, immediately recognizing the forced face Eddy always made when he tried not to cry.

"I mean... If you think that's best, but... Elise is still asleep. I'll come hold you for a bit, if you want?" Brett offered, looking down at Elise. She looked like she didn't have any plans of waking up just yet. Eddy shook his head anyway.

"You've dealt with me enough today, you deserve a break. I just need a few minutes," Eddy squeaked, quickly going to their bedroom and shutting the door behind him.

Brett was left with Elise asleep in his arms, not really knowing what to do. Nothing he had said seemed to make Eddy feel any better, and it made him feel pretty useless. It made him consider how much use he would be when Elise were crying about some problems she would have in ten years.

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