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The next few weeks flew by and before they knew it Elise was nearing two months old. Words like tummy time flew by at the doctor check up they had been to, but the doctor was happy with her developement so far.

They hadn't done anything channel related at all in a week, though, which stressed both of them out. Fans were asking about the slow updates and lack of social media presence at this point, worrying about them. Maybe it wasn't all that wrong to worry about them with the lack of sleep lately.

"I swear if you don't sleep tonight..." Eddy mumbled softly to his daughter while Brett was preparing formula for her. She stared up at him and responding with some gurgling sounds, making Eddy's heart melt. Hw sighed. "You're right, nothing will happen except that daddy's gonna be tired."

"What are you two talking about, huh?" Brett asked, kissing Eddy's head while handing him Elise's bottle. "The next video we should've made like two weeks ago?"

"Nah, we talked about how much we love baba," Eddy lied innocently, giving Brett a wide grin before moving Elise to be able to feed her better. Brett moved over again and kissed him softly.

"You're a terrible liar, but I love you too," Brett chuckled before turning again and looking in the frigde for a snack. He closed the fridge again when he found nothing and sat down across from Eddy. "But forreal, we really really have to do work today."

"You're saying it as if I don't want to work when you know that's not the case," Eddy mumbled, looking down at Elise. Brett sighed.

"I know, sorry it sounded like that," Brett said, running his hand through his hair. "But you know what I mean. People are asking."

"Let's make the video with Elise today, then, so they'll stop asking," Eddy suggested, looking up at Brett.

"I mean, we haven't even planned that out yet..." Brett said slowly, biting his lip. Truthfully, he was nervous about making that video. If there was one video he wanted to be perfect, it was the video where they introduced her to their fans, and just throwing something out there felt completely wrong.

"Let's plan now, then?" Eddy said, sounding almost excited. It wasn't far from the truth, that working was something to get excited about. "Come on, get a notepad or something and we'll figure it out now."

"Alright, gimme a sec," Brett said, getting out of his chair and going down the stairs to their studio to get his sketchpad and his pencil case. He found it by his violin, but paused to take a deep breath before going back upstairs. He felt his fingers itch to get some practice done. Maybe he'd be able to practice some tonight, if he was lucky?

Coming back upstairs to Eddy cleaning up after burping Elise was a reality check. The cloth had slid slightly, and Eddy had most of it all over his t-shirt. He just sighed.

"Care to take her for a bit while I change shirts?" Eddy asked, and Brett put the sketchpad and his pencil case on the table before taking her. He also took the cloth and wiped her mouth with it while Eddy went off to their bedroom to get a new shirt.

"You're so messy sometimes," Brett cooed at his daughter who looked like she was trying to focus her eyes on his face. "Love you, though."

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