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"I swear I can't see for shit," Eddy groaned, squinting at the TV. "I noticed before too. Maybe I'm going blind?"

Brett chuckled next to him, leaning his head on his shoulder. Elise had fallen asleep a bit early today, so they decided to watch Ray's newest concert video before heading to bed. Nothing special, really, just a recording of Brahms. Nothing special for Ray, that was. Both boys were incredibly impressed.

"Maybe you're getting old?" Brett suggested, poking his cheek. "I mean, being a dad and all... Maybe it's the dad sight that is catching up on you?"

"You've been old since before you met me then, you ass," Eddy replied back jokingly angry before pretending to going after Brett's finger to bite it. Brett jumped and pulled it away.

"Easy now, bitey," Brett chuckled, ruffling his hair. "But we should get your eyesight checked out if you genuinely can't see the screen, because even I can see it with my outdated prescription."

"That sounds like a fanily outing to the optician," Eddy grinned kissing him quickly. "Do you think they can... Like check Elise's eyesight too or is she too young?"

"I think she's too young? We'll ask when we make the appointments I suppose," Brett shrugged, resting his head back on Eddy's shoulder. "We missed the entire second movement by the way."

"Do you think I'd look weird with glasses?" Eddy asked with a hint of uncertainty after a moment of Ray's beautiful tones being the only sound. "Like... You look stunning both with and without, but... I don't know, I think my face will look too long?"

Brett furrowed his brows, studying Eddy for a moment.
"Nah," he finally concluded. "I think it'll frame your face nicely. Make your eyes pop."

"I suppose that's a goal," Eddy shrugged, licking his lips. The uncertainty hadn't left his voice. He fell silent again and Brett tried to figure out what to say. He could feel Eddy's energy next to him like an aura.

"Are you nervous about getting glasses, Eddy?" Brett asked after a while, placing his arms tightly around the taller boy's torso. Eddy licked his lips, giving in to the hug.

"What if I'll look stupid? It's gonna be such a big deal on the channel and all, but what if I just don't look good with glasses?" Eddy sighed, closing his eyes. "What if people think it's... I don't know, weird? Ugly?"

"There's no way they'll think you're ugly," Brett assured him, stroking his back. "Some of those thirst posts make me want to go over there and scream that you're mine. Like, they know we have a child together? Can they not look at my boyfriend, please?"

Eddy giggled nervously at Brett's little speech, hiding his face in Brett's shoulder.
"Don't beat up the fans, please Bretty."

"I won't, but sometimes it really goes too far, man. I don't want them thinking about you like that," Brett mumbled, still with a joking edge. It wasn't a lie, but he wasn't actually going to mention it. That stuff earned them money.

"I don't know, those girls at the park seemed to really check you out," Eddy mumbled with a giggle into Brett's shoulder. "And Melissa said she used to have a crush on you. Maybe I should be worried?"

"What? Melissa had a crush on me?" Brett laughed, going up in pitch. "That's insane, man, I used to have a crush on her."

"W... What?" Eddy asked, letting the hug go. This was the past. Nothing to worry about, really. That's what he tried to convince himself, anyway. "Really?"

"Yeah, when I was like ten. Before we met," Brett assured him, reaching forward to caress his cheek. Eddy exhaled, actually feeling kind of relieved.

"She said she used to have a crush on you, that's why I... Uh... Had a sting of jealousy there, but sounds like the crushes never overlapped," Eddy chuckled, turning his head and kissing Brett's hand. "She mentioned she was tired of you.. Uh... Talking about me."

Brett turned bright red.
"Did I? I can't remember I did.... THAT much?" he mumbled, embarrassed. God she did have to mention that didn't she?

"It was nice to hear I mattered to you before... Before this," Eddy said, hesitating throughout the sentence. "That you thought I was interesting enough to share with someone else."

"I've always done that, Eddy mine," Brett said softly, caressing his cheekbone with his thumb. His own cheeks were still bright red. "Bragged about you, I mean."

"Really? Why?"

"Because we were best friends, Eddy. I loved you, but not in the right way. Not until now."

"Love you too, Bretty. Always have," Eddy smiled, relaxing more. Brett felt so sincere, and he wanted to believe it. He really wanted to believe it.

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