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Eddy wasn't really awake yet when the doorbell rang. He was given Elise while Brett went and opened the door to let Ray in.

"Hey, Brett! How's parent life? It's nice to see you," Ray said with a wide smile, giving Brett a quick bro hug. Brett smiled at the question.

"It's alright, except for the little detail that sleeping isn't a thing anymore," he joked while Ray got his shoes off.he also places a large paper bag by the door, but Brett didn't question it.

Ray followed Brett to the kitchen where Eddy was juggling trying to eat cereal and rocking Elise who was getting fussy over having to wait for her lunch. Bretg quickly took her from him and placed a kiss to his forehead.

"How you doing, Eddy?" Ray asked, going over to him and placing a hand on his shoulder. Eddy shrugged.

"Princess wasn't sleeping in her bed tonight, so daddy wasn't sleeping in his bed either," Eddy chuckled, looking over at Brett who was mixing up the formula.

"So, you're 'daddy'... " Ray said, pointing to Eddy, before moving to point to Brett. "And you are...? Also dad?"

"Baba," Brett corrected him with a smile, swapping Elise over to his other arm to try and get the formula ready. "Actually, Ray, could you take her for a sec while I get her milk ready? It would make my life much easier right now."

Ray squealed and almost jumped up and down.
"Of course I wanna hold her! Ahh, come here baby!" he grinned, and Brett carefully handed her over to him, making sure she was resting securely in his arms before letting go. Eddy smiled at Ray's excitement, thinking it was really sweet.

"See, sweetie, Uncle Ray is gonna spoil you rotten," Ray said to Elise, rocking her while keeping a wide smile on his face. "I already brought some fun stuff for you to enjoy."

"You bought her stuff already?" Eddy asked, looking up from his cereal. "You didn't have to do that, Ray..."

"Of course I did," Ray interrupted him before cooing at Elise. Brett chuckled behind him.

"You wanna feed her too? Otherwise I'll need her back," Brett said, holding up the bottle. Ray looked like he was about to jump up and down again.

"Can I?" he beamed, and Brett was quick to hand over the bottle and get him stationed on a kitchen chair with the cloth hanging over his shoulder. Ray let her take the bottle and she took it quickly. "Oh Brett, if you get the bag I left by the door, you can see what I got her!"

Brett shuffled out to the front door and grabbed the paper bag, being surprised at how much stuff was in it. He brought it back to the kitchen with him without looking inside.

"Did you buy the whole store, or what?" Brett asked Ray as he set the bag on the table, and Eddy stood up to put his now empty cereal bowl in the sink to clean later.

"Nah, nah," Ray mumbled, completely focused on Elise who was moving a bit and threatening a cry from being in unfamiliar arms. Ray rocked her a bit, trying to calm her. "Just a few things I thought could be useful, and some fun stuff."

Eddy peeked inside the bag, oulling out a smaller bag of some smaller items before pulling out a large box that looked like it contained a play mat.

"Oh, we didn't even think to get one of these," Eddy commented, showing it to Brett. Brett took the box from him to look at, looking impressed.

"I thought you might've forgotten about this," he grinned. "And I talked to your mom, Eddy. She told me all the stuff you didn't have."

"Sneaky," Brett laughed, putting the box to the side of the table and diving into the bag again. He pulled out the prettiest little violet dress and got a wide smile on his face. It was a bit too big still, but absolutely gorgeous.

"Ohh that's adoreable," Eddy said, taking it from Brett to look at it. "Where did you get this, Ray?"

"Just the store," Ray said, setting the empty bottle on the table. "But help me guys, I'm supposed to have the milk come back up again now, yes?"

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