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"You're awake already, hm?" Eddy asked, furrowing his brows as he picked up Elise who was crying the following morning. It wasn't really normal for her to cry much in the mornings, but even if it was just that Eddy wouldn't worry too much. There was something about her cry that made him worried.

Eddy realized what was wrong as soon as her little head rested gently against his neck.
"Jesus, you're burning up!" he exclaimed, moving the crying girl so he could feel her forehead carefully. She was definitely warmer than usual, but not extremely. "Are you getting sick, huh?"

He brought her with him out to the kitchen where Brett was cooking breakfast. Brett turned to look at them, also furrowing his brows at the sound of her cry.
"Someone's in a bad mood today?" he asked, eyeing them up. Eddy shrugged.

"I think she's got a fever, so I think crying is valid right now," Eddy said, giving her forehead a quick kiss before brushing her hair out if her face. Brett took two long steps over to them.

"A fever? Should we tale her to a doctor? Is she okay?" Brett asked quickly, trying to feel her forehead like Eddy had earlier. Eddy thought Brett's worry about her was endearing, but Elise seemed only to freak out more from it.

"She's fine, Brett, just as fine as you'd be with a fever," Eddy said calmly, surprising himself with his own calmness. Sure she had a fever and was crying in a way that would hurt any parent, but in general she seemed okay. A bit more snot than usual, maybe. "Just needs extra care and extra rest, I suppose. And if she gets worse, we'll go see a doctor."

"I don't like this, she was perfectly fine last night," Brett mumbled, going back to make sure the eggs he was frying wasn't catching on fire.

"Have you never woken up sick before, huh? I'm sure she'll be fine," Eddy said calmly as Elise sneezed into his shoulder, surprising even herself enough to be quiet for a bit. Eddy went to find some tissue paper to wipe her snot off himself and her face. "Right you'll be fine, baby? Of course you will, you're a tough girl."

Brett shifted uncomfortably, not liking the fact that Eddy seemed completely calm about the whole thing. She was obviously not well. Getting it checked wouldn't do any harm, but not doing it could potentially do harm.

"I don't like it anyway, I want to have her checked," Brett muttered, moving the eggs over to some plates and setting them on the table before going to get knives and forks for both of them.

"How about we call the pediatrician and ask if they want us to come in to look at it, then?" Eddy suggested, sitting down on the chair with a still whiny Elise in his lap. "No need to run down the doctor's office unnecessarily."

"Fine, we'll call after breakfast," Brett mumbled, still not happy. He felt like Eddy thought he was overreacting, but he just needed to be sure. She was the most important person in his life, after all.

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