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They woke up really late the following day thanks to staying up all night just enjoying the calm presence of each other.

"What time is it?" Brett asked sleepily, pressing a kiss to Eddy's cheek and snuggling closer.

"My phone said midday a while ago," Eddy yawned, stroking his hand around Brett's waist and kissing his lips instead. Brett pulled the covers tighter around them.

"We have the dinner reservation at six, so maybe we should get up and get some food now so we have time to get hungry for dinner?" Brett asked, his hot breath brushing over Eddy's lips.

"Maybe... But being in bed with you is so nice..." Eddy mumbled, pushing Brett's bangs out of his eyes. "Kinda want to seduce you into having sex so we won't have to get up yet."

Brett chuckled and kissed him again, caressing Eddy's cheek as he did.
"Don't you think it'd be better to save it for tonight, though?" Brett asked softly. "And you know you just have to ask to get me to stay here with you."

"Stay here with me for a bit, love?" Eddy asked almost as a whisper, but with an innocent grin over his lips. Brett chuckled and rolled them around so he'd be lying on topnpg Eddy. He leaned down and kissed him.

"Of course, Eddy mine," Brett smiled and kissed him again. Eddy tangled his hands into Brett's hair, feeling how softly it is between his fingers. "Who needs breakfast anyway?"

Eddy's stomach growled as if answering his question and both burst out laughing, Brett hiding his face against Eddy's chest.

"Your stomach appearently," Brett wheezed, wiping a few tears that formed from laughing. " If that wasn't perfect timing, I don't know what is."

"Shut up," Eddy groaned, slapping Brett's arm lightly and playfully. "Let's go get some breakfast, then."

Brett giggled, burying his face into the crook of Eddy's neck.
"Nahhh, much nicer to be here with you," he mumbled, feeling Eddy's fingers comb through his hair. "I wanna cuddle some more first."

"How can I say no to that?" Eddy chuckled, kissing the side of his head. "Especially after the amazing blowjob you gave me yesterday..."

"God, shut up," Brett mumbled, cheeks getting stained pink from blushing. He hid his face in Eddy's t-shirt.

"It looked like you liked it like that," Eddy mumbled into his hair, kissing the top of his head after. Brett's cheeks burned warmer.

"It's nice every once in a while," Brett admitted, grabbing a fistful of Eddy's t-shirt. "You looked like you enjoyed it too, though. What's next? Want me to call you 'sir'?"

This time, it was Eddy's turn to blush. Brett looked up at him, smiling when he saw it.

"I don't know? Maybe that could be a fun game to play," Eddy said innocently, combing his long fingers through Brett's hair. "And I suppose we could try the other way around sometime too, if you want?"

"I'll call you my little prince and have you against the wall anytime," Brett chuckled, kissing Eddy's lips quickly before rolling off Eddy and sitting up. "Let's grab some breakfast now, though, your highness. I'm starving."

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