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The sound of his phone vibrating on the bedside table was annoying when he was trying to sleep, and he pulled the duvet over his head in an attempt to block the sound. Why would anyone call at this hour, anyway? Before his alarm?

He lazily reached for his phone when the sound finally got annoying enough for him to do something about it, and he answered the call without looking at the caller ID, barely opening his eyes at all during this whole action.

"Hello?" he yawned, laying back down on his pillow with his phone held against his ear. All that was on his mind was getting back to the dream he had just had.

"Bro, where the fuck are you?"

Eddy sat up quickly in bed in a panic as he heard Brett's jokingly annoyed voice.
"Where I am? Shit, sorry, I must have overslept. I'm on my way," he mumbled, stumbling out of bed as he spoke. He was still a bit sore and in desperate need for a long, warm shower, but a short cold one would have to do now.

"Seriously, dude?" Brett chuckled, and Eddy could hear him shake his head in the other end. "Well, I'm not making any excuses to Ray. Get here as quickly as possible, bro."

He listened for a bit to the beeping, the A, in the other end indicating that Brett had hung up. The word "bro" hurt a bit, honestly. He knew Brett meant it in an affectionate way, as an indication of being comfortable around each other, but it wasn't a big word to use about a guy who had his dick up his ass barely twelve hours before.

Eddy only snapped out of his thoughts as he noticed the clock on his phone showing he was already almost fifteen minutes late. Shit.

He felt sticky and gross as he made his way, as quickly as his sore body let him, to the shower. The water was cold, but he didn't have time to wait for it to heat up. The adrenaline from waking up suddenly was still increasing, and the cold water woke him even more up. This was the worst way to get jolted out of what had been a nice dream.

Despite how sore he felt he eventually got some fresh clothes on and got going with his violin towards Brett's house. All the way he cursed himself out about being late again. This always happened the morning after they had been together.

Stumbling into Brett's house, probably looking like he just woke up still, was honestly humiliating. Ray had cleared off his schedule to come have this rehearsal with them, first of all. Secondly, he knew that Brett would think he had overslept because he had worn him out with good sex the night before, which to be fair wasn't really far from the truth.

"Eddy, finally!" Ray said with a bright smile, being the positive guy he always was. Brett on the other hand had that sly, knowing smile he always had when Eddy overslept because of him. Spending evenings with Brett like that was exhausting, both physically and emotionally. Brett only knew about the physical exhaustion.

"I'm so sorry I'm late, I completely slept through my alarm," Eddy explained as he began unpacking his violin for the rehearsal the other two had been ready for for almost an hour now. At least he remembered to bring his violin.

"Don't worry, buddy. I woke Brett up by ringing the door bell earlier," Ray laughed and elbowed Brett who got what Eddy considered the most beautiful shade of red on his cheeks. So it wasn't just him who was tired after last night's session?

Ray leaned over to whisper in Eddy's ear after he had gotten his violin from the case, though it was obvious he wanted Brett to hear the joke he was about to make.
"I think he's had company over last night," Ray grinned, pretending to talk gossip Brett wasn't supposed to hear.

The shade of red on Eddy's cheeks quickly matched Brett's from earlier, but luckily Ray didn't seem to notice and Eddy quickly regained enough sense to joke with him.
"Damn, Bretty, who's the lucky person?"

"You're both wrong, I didn't have company over last night," Brett shrugged, not really lying. Eddy knew that part wasn't a lie. "As a matter of fact, I haven't had anything good in months. But anyway, are we having a rehearsal, though, or are we discussing my sex life?"

Brett's words stung even though he knew it was a lie to cover their tracks. Maybe it hadn't been as good for Brett as Eddy thought? He decided to ask if there was anything he could do to make it better, even though he was sure Brett was lying to keep their secret. Better safe than sorry.

"Of course, man, didn't mean to overstep there" Ray laughed and checked the tuning of his violin, furrowing his brows as he slightly adjusted the fine tuner for the E-string. "Let's play, boys."

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